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The most astonishing thing to come from the attack was that She and Ula  had become good friends. Her first  friend in the tribe since her arrival

Ula was sweet, kind and young.  her innocent demeanor made it easy for Amari to like her. After Amari' s duties she and Ula would sit  together laughing and chatting. Amari had learned great deal  about the clan and Ula' s home clan the Levikis'

She taught Amari  all there was to know about life in the Hariyul Tribe.

"Why is there a war?"  Amari wondered as they gossiped over fermented drinks one night

Ula  looked at Amari curiously as if she  were expected to know this and was daft that she didn't 

" The Razik clan  have had a long standing feud with us because of our resources" she stated casually

"Resources such as"  Amar prodded, desperate for information

"Livestock and furtile lands amongst the most things they covet, Their clan resides in  the mountains,  as a result they do not have many animals to feed their tribe nor is it easy for them to grow anything"

"Why can they not just move somewhere else?"

"They cannot the mountain they live in provides them with their most valuable resource and asset. Metal. With it they have learned how to manipulate and create stronger weapons and armor.  Witch  is what makes them such formidable  opponents to us;  otherwise  they would stand no chance. They don't want to have to leave their mountains and metal but need our resources which is why they do not want to kill us all. All they want is to conquer,  Kill the Fazuk and take over the clan. My union with the Fazuk is supposed to help  end the war by aligning my tribe against the Raziks"  she says sipping her warm drink casually 

A sharp pang hits Amari's chest at Ula's mention of the union planned between her and  the Fazuk. She almost felt  guilty for befriending her while lusting  for her intended

But as they  sit and chat about happier topics Amari realized that her feelings for the Fazuk was not something she wanted nor something she had any control over. He did something to her by just being in his proximity. Amari never had such a reaction a man before. The realization both stunned and scared her


Every night Amari racked her brain for answers,  but  still could  not deduce which time period she was in. She was never good at history, but she knew that there was not much known about cavemen, except how they lived. Clan names certainly never made into history books.  Still Amari felt that these were not cavemen. At least  not the ones she learned  about in school. They were too advanced. Either way  it no longer mattered to Amari she was here now she would make the best of it. 

Still she couldn't help but wonder. Did Kevin have a way to come for her or bring her back?. Did he even care that she was gone? She thought about that often as well as him. Oddly she suddenly felt conflicted about returning home. She didn't miss Kevin, as much as she thought she would. They had only been together for 6 mere months and in that time they barely spent any time together due to his demanding job.  Now she was sent here because of that  job.  

No, she did not miss him but she would miss Ula, Elka she had become like a surrogate mother. She even reluctantly realized she would be sad to never see the  Fazuk's handsome face even if she despised his attitude. She had only been with the clan a short time, but Amari realized how it  had started to feel like home. Going back to her lonely unfilled existence no matter the modern conveniences, felt like a death sentence. She would rather stay here where she felt a sense of camaraderie and purpose,  despite Yema' s nastiness and The Fazuk's maddening temper

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