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As soon as Orion opened his eyes he felt something was amiss. When he turned over and reached beside him for his dark skinned beauty who was absent he was certain of it. However, What cemented the feeling was when his hand brushed against a hard shiny object laid across the spot where his woman should have been

He quickly sat up in bed, his hand shaking slightly as he reached  toward the lone object; Instantly  a foreboding fear encompassed him while he stared  at it. It was the necklace he had gifted Amari before he was injured, She had wore it everyday since. So why wasn't she now? What did this mean?

 A multitude of emotion suddenly  passed through him in rapid succession

Confusion, Worry, fear, distress, anger, sorrow.

He jumped out of the bed barely pulling on his loincloth before he stormed out into the halls seeking his woman

Where was she? Who told her she could vacate his bed? 

He charged through  the entire clan home searching. With each empty room Orion encountered  his anxiety grew. His grandmother watched him with dejection and regret as he passed her in a hurry. Orion stopped and looked at her fury radiating off him in waves. Did  she leave back to wherever she came from? Did his grandmother know, perhaps even aid her? She did seem oddly morose this morning

"Where is she?!" Orion Demanded

 For the first time in his life he felt such rage toward his kin he feared what he might say or do

How dare she help his woman leave him

"She is gone my Fazuk" she said respectfully her tone full of sadness but Orion was too occupied with her revelation to care

"Gone?! Where!!"

"Gone" she repeated  simply, turning away to resume walking away

Orion  stared after her ready to punish an answer from her if necessary,  but decided to not waste time. It was likely she did not even know. After all no one truly knew from where the brown skinned goddess had originated 

He needed to get out there to track and find her. She did have a considerable head start but he was an excellent hunter. Orion was more than confident she was not skilled enough to evade him for long. He would find her and drag her back if he must

He ignored his throbbing injury on his thigh and his ever growing  hunger, gnawing at him and rushed to mount his person Klahip. The animal snorted as he approached and mounted it.

Just before he could ride off his traitorous  grandmother came running out of the clan home clutching to him with a pleading expression

"My Fazuk please you cannot save her. We have only just got you back"  she cried deliriously

Orion scoffed with derision

"So you wish to trade her life for my own. When it was she who risked all to save me from the Razik's clutches. How can i consider myself worthy of her, if i did not attempt the very same" He Sneered at her.

He awaited her answer. when the silence lengthened and she said nothing averting her gaze, he lost his barely held patience

"Where did she go? Orion asked again.  He  knew now by her reaction to his leaving that wherever his Amari had fled to. it had to be bad.

She straightened and tightened her lips with defiance. Orion watched her  swallow several times before finally her shoulders sagged and she spoke reluctantly 

"She sacrificed herself to the Raviks in exchange for  the safety of our clan" she murmered solemly 

Orion gasped inwardly raw molten fury and panic pulsed through him like a live wire. How could she? Why would she?

They could kill her. did they? Was she even still alive?

His heart cracked and splintered with intense  grief. he needed to go there to save her if she was still alive and he desperately prayed she still was

He made to ride off again more determined than ever, Yet His grandmother grabbed his arm again 

"NO! you cannot go alone It is suicide!" 

"I willn ot leave her with those savages!"

"Then aquire aid i beg of you. Do not make her sacrifice in vain"

Orion turned to ignore and dismiss her but, he inhaled deep with despair realizing she was right. With his injury and especially on his own, he could not hope to save Amari. It would do her nor his clan any good to die in the endeavor

He jumped off his Klahip and pushed past her ignoring the painfilled look on her face that was an exact replica of his own. For her betrayal he no longer considered her kin.

She should have never allowed her to leave him. She should have informed him the moment she departed.

Once he reentered the clan home he aggressively  pulled aside a passing warrior. "Send a message to the Leviki Fazuk immediately,  tell him it is time.  I require his aid" 

His grandmother stood nearby watching  

The warriror nodded vigorosuly fear in his eyes 

Orion stalked back to his room snatched up the necklace and secured it to his wrist. He felt strangely comforted by wearing it, the object that belonged to her; that she once wore. Then he went  to the dining room brooding in his thoughts. He would seek the assistance of the Leviki clan who were supposed to be their allies. Then with their aid he would launch an assault to save Amari just as she did for him. 

"My Fazuk they will not help since you have yet to wed Ula as was agreed"  His grandmother stated meekly 

Orion looked down at her stoically

"Then it is time i do so"

His grandmother jerked her gaze to him with shock. 

"Are you...certain my Fa-"

"YES! make the preparations we shall wed at nightfall"  He barked, as he took his seat at the table, His soon to be bride beside him as always.

Her face and those of his clanmates made Orion understand further that  only his kin knew his woman had left the clan. Another reason to be furious with her.

Orion's stomach soured as the morning food was delivered. He recalled just last night Amari serving him. Her full lips curved into a sweet smile. Her coy glances in his direction. Orion found he could hardly consume the food for thoughts of her

She would never have me if he went through with Wedding Ula. She had made a strong aversion to it since he had expressed his desire for her, but he had no other choice

He needed to rescue her. Even if he never was allowed to hold her again,  To bask in the warmth and softness of her skin. Kiss nor hold her. At least she would be safe and alive. That would have to suffice, he deduced as he picked up his tray full of meat and chewed deep in thought ignoring everyone else's imploring gaze as he reminisced about his misplaced love..............

Do you agree whit Orion's choice in saving Amari?

Do you think he should not be angry with Elka?

How do you think Amari will react to his marrying Ula?




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!!!!

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