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The prologue already shows Amari's meeting the chief and her reaction to him so this chapter picks up after that

As the chiefs axe cuts down towards her with lethal intent a voice calls out halting him

"My Fazuk!" the man stills and turns to face a woman.

The woman is elderly but somehow still beautiful and regal, Amari watches as she walks toward the Fazuk and places her hand on his broad shoulder. Their eyes seem to do all the speaking.

Then He slowly lowers his axe and they began to argue in hushed tones

Amari shivered in relief, Her body felt so worn. Tired from the constant fear and everything else it had endured today

The Fazuk barks orders to a few men standing nearby

They pull Amari to her feet and drag her away once again. As they pass, Amari notices a young woman standing watching her. Her curious stare different than all the others. It made her feel oddly wary.

The men dragged Amari down several steps before finally reaching a cloth covered cave like room. She stumbled as the men shoved her in forcefully.

Amari ground her teeth in anger at their rough treatment, Then turns to examine her surroundings. A mat looking bed lays in the corner with heaps of furs on it. several more similar furs are strewn all across the floor like a rug. There is a small chest and a crudely carved out hearth, but other than that the room is bare and seems to have been long unoccupied.

Shortly after the men's departure The elderly woman strolls in. Shes changed her clothing and now dons a thick long dress made of black animal hide. The woman studies Amari closely before she addresses her

"I am Elka" she says. "WHo are you child?"

"I..I am Amari"

"Amari..what a interesting name. Where are you from, Amari?"

"I..Im from North America. Savannah Georgia?" Amari explains

"Where is this?" Amari asks hopeful

"This is the Hariyul clan"

"Are we in North America?" Amari asks getting a sick feeling in her stomach with each answer

"I do not know these places. My Fazuk doesn't believe that you are innocent. He believes you are here to harm us. Are you here to harm us Amari of North America Georgia?"

Amari huffs with irritation

"you can just call me Amari and no i am not here to hurt anyone i just want to go home"

The old woman just shakes her head with a friendly smile

"This is now your home. The chief cannot allow you to leave. He has declared you his. It is either this or death." She says nonchalantly

Amari gapes at her words. Death. She trembles in terror recalling the Fazuk's huge axe.

"Come now it is time to wash and dress for the night meal." She doesn't command but her tone brokers no argument

Amari follows after her silently her shoulders hunched with defeat. She resigns herself to their will for now. she thinks stubbornly, but soon she would find a way to escape and get home.


Walking towards the large space designated for dining. She felt more as if she were walking into the bowels of hell. Actually that she would have preferred right about now. She repeatedly pulled at her clothing Elka forced her to wear. It felt like she was wearing a slutty cavewoman outfit you would buy at a sleazy sex store for valentines day fun.

Her stomach was bared for all to see as well as her shoulders and much of her legs. Amari surmised it could be worse. Still she was not a thin woman like the others she had seen. She was taller and far thicker. Her ass alone barely would stay hidden under the fur lined skirt.

Amari huffed again in frustration when she felt a breeze caress her ass.

"UGH!. this skirt is ridiculous" she growled under her breath

"The Fazuk grows impatient whilst you pull at your garments" Elka said as she passed by Amari sauntering casually into the packed dining space

Amari could no longer prolong the evitable. the last thing she wanted was to stir the Fazuk's ire and have him bring back that axe. She took a deep breath squared her shoulders and walked in behind Elka.

As soon as she stepped through. All eyes swung to her. Salacious grins and taunts sounded as she's quickly handed a enormous tray full of various fruits

"Serve!" a woman calls out to her viciously

Amari swallowed the anger and urge to smack the girl for her tone and moves to the first table nearest her

Elka stops her with a tisk

"The Fazuk is always served first and you will serve no other but him. He has appointed you his personal servant" she thankfully explains before walking off to take her own seat

Her words send a small tremble up Amari's spine. The suggestiveness in her words were not lost on Amari . And as she walked stiffly toward the Fazuk His intense gaze fixed on her, Amari realized she would likely be serving him in more ways then one..................................

LMFAO at her comment about her ass. Black girl problems am i right?




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