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Amari learned quickly her place among the people. She was made to serve the Fazuk whatever he desired, made to eat last and forced to clean up after they all departed.

Worse were the outfits she was also forced to wear. Elka explained that she wore servants clothing and only if her station elevated would she be allowed to wear anything else. 

Frustrated tears constantly  crept into Amaris eyes as she scrubbed floors and tables with barely anything on. She felt viloated and humilated. But she sucked it up and remebered she did not have long to stay there. 

"Slave!" The Fazuk yelled in her direction as she stood to the side as she was told to do after serving

"My name is Amari! Not Slave" she snarled her eyes blazing

Immediately she recognized her error and adverted her gaze

The Fazuk stared at her unbothered by her  furious inappropriate  outburst.

"You are whatever i say you are Slave now serve me again or i shall have you whipped for disobedience" he spat back

Laughter erupted at his threat

Amari  gritted her teeth forcing herself notto lose her temper as she poured the Fazuk pig and his merry band of assholes more alcoholic drinks. The thing  smelled simply foul and she hated having to constantly refil their cups wit the putrid smelling stuff

Amari was beginning to suspect that either the Fazuk liked to torment her or liked to stare at her. his eyes often roved her figure in a predatory manner to which she always  ignored. Luckily she had not been made to serve him in other ways. Yet. He seemed to have plenty of  other options for those purposes. 

The same woman as she noticed before always sat beside him, but they hardly spoke and he ignored her completely. She also looked quite different than the everyone else. She had frosty pale skin and hair of the same hue. 

Amari decided then that she would seek answers that she had not bothered to ask yet. If she wanted to escape she had to learn everything about this place that she could.

That night once everyone retired she asked another servant that Amari had observed seemed friendly and chatty

"Hey Who is the woman who sits with the Fazuk every night?" She asked trying to appear casually curious

She smiled at Amari. That is Ula. She is his betrothed. She comes form the Leviki clan but has been given to the Fazuk to secure an alliance."

Betrothed?! Amari blanched at that

"But he is with other women every night" 

The girl  giggled

 "Yes he is Fazuk " she said simply as if that answered everything

Amari scoffed but said nothing further on the topic

"And Who is that woman" i asked nodding to woman who had just  walked past us.  she wore servants clothing but never seemed to do any work as we other servants did. She also had been making a point to torment Amari.  Attempting to trip her when she carried food and spilling things for her to purposefully have to clean.

"That is Yema i would not talk to her. she is terrible" the girl whispers. "She is the Fazuks favorite....woman so she doesn't have to clean like us other servants and she gets away with whatever she wants"

Amari growls inwardly at that 

"So why doesn't he marry her if she is his so called favorite." 

"That is what she thinks he will do Once he weds Ula;  that he would take her as a permanent consort. But everyone knows it is not true. He has not even wed Ula yet and it has been many turns of the season since she was given to him"

Amari shook her head with disgust.

" Is that the only way to become more than a servant. Serving the Fazuk? in bed?"  She asks

The girl  nods " Yes that or wedding one of his other elite warriors. But he must like you and keep you or you will still be made to serve.  Many have tried and failed. Some he would not even consider taking to his bed at all"

Amari looked around at all the servants  and shuddered. How gross. He was player then. Why was she even surprised he looked like a god who stepped straight out of GQ. and he was their chief. Woman literally threw their vaginas in his lap. why would he not accept them?.

Amari contemplated whether she could lower herself to that in exchange for not working. She looked at her callousing hands and shook her head. 

Hell no! A little work never hurt nobody

But for the chance to escape. Definitely. 

Now she had a plan. She had to seduce the Fazuk and hope he would accept, grow to trust her and then she would find a way out of this hell hole.

Unfortunately all her plans went to shit when the next day came. The Fazuk had left earlier in the morning to fight some kind of war that was taking place in these strange lands.

Amari swore at herself for not thinking sooner. Who knew how long he would be gone. 

She scrubbed herself clean that night late after her duties were finished and everyone had left to sleep. Once she was done She moved back through the passageways quietly thinking, before she froze

Shadows moved hastily up ahead,  lit up by the surrounding torch's in the passageways. Hushed voices and raised weapons indicated to Amari they were undoubtedly  intruders and here to kill...............

What do you think of Amari's seduction plan? 

Yema and Ula characters will be introduced officially next chapter. Plus Amari finally realizes she's not in Kansas anymore




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