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the sequel of this story, Eternal Love. is now exclusively on Amazon KU.

It was 3 days later that after pumping copious amounts of his seed and ringing endless orgasms from her body that Orion finally let Amari leave the confines of his room. 

The first person Amari wanted to see was Elka. She met her outside the clan home as she was heading to wash clothing at the river

She stopped and turned to Amari, a warm smile on her face

"I am glad you are back. Orion was not....well when you disappeared"

"It was not by choice i assure you"  Amari said averting her  gaze as guilt set in

"I know it" she stated with sincerity

They stared at one another for a time not speaking, Until abruptly  Elka dropped her clothing and engulfed Amari in a fierce hug

Amari smiled hugged her back tightly. Elka had truly become like the mother she lost so long ago.

Finally Elka broke the moment picking back up the discarded clothing. Amari silently watched her thinking of how to ask what she needed to know 

"I overheard the Ravik Fazuk talking when i was.....Is it true Ula betrayed the clan?"

"Yes" she said simply

"Where is she now?"

"Dead, by my own hand. She stabbed Orion attempting to kill him. that is why he did not come for you when you left. Her and her father had plans to take over the clan with his death"

Amari gasped at the news. Ula tried to kill Orion? 

That Bitch!

Amari never wondered why Orion didn't come for her. she was glad he did not . If he had been hurt in the endeavor, her sacrifice would have been in vain. However she couldn't have guessed that the reason was because he was healing from an assassination attempt

The knowledge that she wasn't there with him. Nursing and caring for him tore her up

Silence enveloped them as Amari thought about it all. Ula was dead and she had been her only friend yet clearly that was lie

Amari realized that she honestly couldn't muster up any kind of remorse or any emotion about her death except vindication. 

"I wont ask where you went.  i believe it is clear there is more to you that we could ever understand, however for Orion's sake;  i will simply ask you not to leave again"

Amari wanted to tell her she didn't leave voluntarily the first time but didn't

"I am going nowhere" she declared vehementy

Elka smiled happily, before she turned away and continued on with her task leaving Amari to her thoughts about what else she may have missed while away


Dinner had become an odd affair for Amari since her return

Instead of serving, for the first time since she arrived in these strange lands Amari was sitting next to Orion; in Ula's once occupied place.

Orion had been jumpy and paranid the last few days, inquiring about where she was constantly. Amari knew he was worried that she would disappear again 

The knowldege made her feel intense remorse. It wasn't her doing or desire to leave him, Didn't he realize she would never choose to leave him willingly.

"Amari" His voice called out

( these songs i post are often my motivation when writing a scene. This one always makes me cry. it makes this heartfelt scene so much more fulfilling.  Listen to it while you read tell me if I'm wrong)

She looked at him perplexed as he stood from his chair

"I am nost happy this day"  he said addressing the crowd of his clanmates

"I finally have back the woman that i love. An heir on the way". The clan cheered at his words. Growing louder and louder

 "We have endured much together and yet we are still here.  Alive. Safe. happy"

More rowdy cheers

"This woman. My woman is to thank for it all"

"This day I wish to honor her. I wish everyone to know that she is the very air that fills my lings with life. I wish everyone to know  that there shall never be another for me"


"And so If she could be so kind as to honor me further, i would be the most  fortunate male that has ever lived"

Tears sprang to Amari's eyes as she listened to his sweet declaration of love for her 

"Amari" he said turning to her;  an intensely sincere look in his eye

"Will you be my bride. Make me the happiest of males. Please"

Amari jumped to her feet throwing her arms around him, Her tears escaped down her face as she laughed. Orion clutched her to him chuckling  alongside her with happiness

He spun her around as the clan erupted into boisterous claps and shouts of joy. 

Amari reveled in everything she had endured since meeting Orion

The battles she fought.

 The love she found 

She once thought herself so unlucky for her circumstances, but now she realized she was the most blessed. she had found a love that quite literally transcended time 

She found a Timeless love..........

                                                THE END

THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who read this story and loved it. I did too.

This is the synopsis for the sequel, Eternal love

To be together Orion and Amari fought long and hard. Between arranged marriages time travel and clan wars now, with her being pregnant all they hoped for was peace to start their new family and lives together Unfortunately someone has other plans for the couple. Someone with a devious mind a sinister agenda and enough power to make it happen. Old friends reemerge, secrets and lies laid bare and betrayal all come flooding forth as new enemies arise to snatch away the couples newfound happiness. Now they will have to fight a different kind of battle to make it back to each other. One not just physical but emotional, Except when its all over will the couple even still want to be together? Or will their hearts be permanently swayed by others?

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