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Amari dismissed her last class for the day. The students hurried out and joined the noisy crowd meandering in the halls.

She took her time packing her things before she too exited the room. Dodging the bolsterous teens and their  playful heckiling she rushed to the teachers lounge.

It was the end of the day thankfully, but Amari wantd to snag one last free cup of coffee before she left for the day

"Hey Miss Clark" one of her male students called as he passed.

 He gave her a salcious look as many of them did

She was quite young for a teacher, and even with her sisters constant jabs at her she considered herself beautiful. She had smooth deep brown skin and pretty round chocolate hued eyes with a curvy short frame. So  Amari  knew and expected the immature antics from the boys. 

She smiled kindly at him, waved and continued on her way

Amari was a 12 grade high school chemistry teacher. She had been since she graduated magna cum laude from college 4 years ago. She genuinely  loved her job, even with the frustrating teens and low pay, Even with her perverted boss and her sisters constant belittling of her profession.

Amari snagged her cup of coffee effectively avoiding any run-ins with her boss and headed out to her car. It was Friday night and as usual she would be spending it alone.

She had no friends to do anything with. They had all fizzled out as soon as college ended and she had no family she was close to. She had never eve nmet ther father and since her mother passed her and her sister were all that was left.  Unfortunately  her sister always felt more like a enemy or rival than a sibling. 

Amari did have one good thing in her life, a boyfriend, of 6 months whom she adored. Kevin. He was a chemist like her and he was incredibly handsome. He was tall with dirty blonde tresses and  stunning brown eyes. The only fault she could find with Kevin was his workaholic personality. He too loved his job, so much so that Amari barely saw him. Hence her lonely Friday night. He would mostly likely be in is lab with his collages working on something or another.  and unless she went to his lab and watched him work which she often did, she wouldn't see him until Sunday. Which would only give them a day before they would have to be back to the daily grind.

Amari sighed. maybe she would go to his lab tonight and see if she could talk to him about finding more time to spend together. She grumbled in irritation  when she thought of one of the  colleagues he worked with.  a blonde named Melanie. She flited constantly with him even when Amari was present

It vexed her to no end but she recognized how Kevin never truly flirted back, He was only ever friendly. He likely did not even realized what she was doing. Kevin was one of those guys that did not know how cute they were and was too absorbed in his work to notice

Amari started her car and drove home. She would change out of her work clothes then pick up dinner and head to Kevin's lab. He always forgot to eat she mused. Kevin worked in a university lab where they did all kinds of experiments and tests and inventions. She did not know what they were always diligently working on.  All she knew was he was a integral part of a team full of inventors, scientist, chemists, geneticists and more. They were gonna change the world, Kevin would adamantly declare to her with excitement.


Amari walked toward the university bag of Chinese takeout in her hands. She smiled as she passed the security guards on duty. They knew her by now. Kevin given her a badge of clearance into the university without questions and a key to his lab when they first began dating.

Students lingered around the corridors chatting and eating. They watched her as she walked pass them. Some tossed out lewd taunting comments   assuming she was a fellow student. She almost laughed at how similar high school boys were to college. Still immature.

Reaching Kevin's lab a blaring alarm sounded piercing her eardrums sharply

Amari cringed and panic swelled when she realized it was coming from his lab. Was he hurt? Oh god.  she dropped the food and used her key to rush inside

Chaos ensued as people ran around pushing buttons and slamming repeadlty on computer keys

She stood frozen her eyes searching for Kevin

"SHUT IT DOWN!" someone yeeled 

"I CANT!" another answered 

"IT ISNT RESPONDING!" someone else shouted

She finally spotted Kevin.  

Just as he hurried pass  and she moved to go to him,  a bright beaming light blinded her

She could see Kevins face still in horror

"Amari!" he shouted 

But Amari could not hear him all she could hear was the blood roaring in her ears, her heart slamming  with her fear. 

When the light finally subsided Kevin and his colleages all gasped staring at her in alarm

Amari followed their gaze down to her....hands!

Her hands were missing!!

Tears flooded Amari as she watched her arms disapperar next. Was this how she would die?

"What? Kevin!" she shouted with terror pleading for his help.

"Amari! i will fix this i promise!" 

His words were lost to her as her body rapidly disintegrated. Amari couldn't understand what was happening. Then she felt a sharp  painfilled thug , a floating sensation and then she felt nothing............................

First chapter what do you guys think?




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