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Amari woke with purpose. She swallowed down her nausea that had punished her for the past week. She knew what was the cause but pushed the knowledge away, ignoring it for the moment. She had a mission and she would she it done even if it cost her everything. 

When the Fazuk finally called for her at the evening meal once again, Amari plastered on her fake smile and coached herself into the persona she would need to achieve her goal

She sat at the Fazuks right as always;  instead this time she smiled coyly and purposefully brushed beside him feigning a mishap. The Fazuk was instantly  pleased by her actions mishap or no

He smiled at her with a crude grin as his servants moved about laying down platters and serving up their plates.

Amari shifted uncomfortable in her seat telling herself repeatedly no matter what she did, it was all  for Orion for his beloved clan.

She leaned into he Fazuk suggestively,  uncaringly  interrupting his heated conversation  with the elderly man he alway spoke with. They spoke of the attack on her clan

"I am not familiar with most the cuisine here, would you kindly point out the most delectable dishes?"

He beamed at her suggestion soaking up her sudden attention

"of course my sweet" Amari inwardly cringed at his endearment but smiled outwardly 

"This is called Kizerla. it is not the most succulent  meat, but my cooks know how i desire it. They only cook it once it has been slowly roasted, and this particualryl meat is my most favorite..."

Amari pretended attentiveness as the Fazuk droned on and on about the many dishes served

Instead Amari surveyed her surroundings with inquisitive eyes, she meticulously studied those in attendance once more, just as she had done since he begun allowing her to attend meals; familiarizing herself with not only the clan passageways but the people in power as well

The man whom always sat beside the Fazuk was his most trusted advisor and his late wife's father. He eyed Amari every meal with open suspicion

Amari had overheard tales of the Fazuk killing  her because she failed to produce him an heir

She covertly  clutched at her own belly hoping the Fazuk never discovered her most treasured secret. Truthfully Amari never saw herself in such a precarious situation. But when did life ever produce convenient situations. 


Her condition was not one she nor Orion had planned for, still it was what was to be. Now she had to be strong for them both.  once again. She had to get out of this horrid situation and  save them both

The Fazuk finished his clarification of the various foods presented and Amari hurried to pour him yet  another drink., She needed him inebriated when she attempted to seduce him to her will. If he wasn't, he might attempt to  forcibly take her against her will


Several hours and more than several drinks later Amari felt her goal accomplished. The Fazuk was sufficiently drunk and merry in a way only an intoxicated person could be, even though his clan was  supposed to ride out to battle the very next day.

He held a servant woman perched on his lap. She occupied him all night much to Amari's  relief. The man beside the Fazuk glared at Amari threateningly all throughout the meal. Amari ignored him hoping he wouldn't prove to be an additional problem.

Amari laid adjacent to him on his bed cot far more luxurious than her own. She systematically  stroked his unkept beard;  She was certain some type of food was stuck within, but she ignored it she had a mission to accomplish 

"My Fazuk will i ride wiht you tomorrow? It would make me so incredibly happy" she said implementing  her plan now that no one was present to distract 

He snorted unattractively. "A woman in battle? of course not" 

Amari moved her strokes down to his  feeble chest faking a dramatic pout

"But my Fazuk,  i am the only one who truly knows  how to handle the bombs. I alone can  utilize them to their maximum potential. With my help you would completely  decimate the Hariyul clan" 

"Why should i trust you woman. you were with that clan. Bedding their Fazuk so my spy says" 

"Yes as his whore, but if you make me your bride..."

He smiled then groping her breast. Amari swallowed the bile and reveled in the lack of strength present in his grip

" Ah you seek position. Yes, i would  wed you my sweet. happily" Amari smiled at his words agreeably 

"Then allow me to accompany you,  prove my uselessness and  i am all yours"

He squinted his eyes sobriety suddenly  peaking through 

"You came to me, to save the Hariyul clan. why would you want to ruin them now?"

Well he was no idiot Amari realized.  His questions were intelligently astute . Amari had to think quickly.  her mind raced  for an adequate explanation that he would accept 

"They did not come for me. They left me abandoned and at your clans mercy. therefore My allegiance had since changed, I will no longer fight for a clan who so easily forgets me and my loyal sacrifice" 

He nodded happy about her change of allegiance.  Amari felt  his searching hands move down her  body, but  before it could reach her backside it fell across the bed;  Loud snores erupting  from his slackened body

Amari contemplated killing him now. She plucked his blade discarded  from his pants on the floor,  holding it intently  against his slumbering neck.  It would be the most perfect opportunity. She could end it all right here, But would she end it truly? Would the Razik's  still seek revenge? Blame the Hariyul clan for his demise? the questions effectively  stilled her bloodthirsty hands

At the Fazuks slumber Amari quietly  crept from his beside smiling victoriously. she had accomplished her goal, now come tomorrow she would put her ultimate plan into motion

Amari only hoped it was not too late and she had not underestimated the Raziks unrelenting thirst for conquest for power...........................

The clash of clans will occur next. What do you think will happen? who do you think will survive? Which clan will fall? Who will live and who will die?




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