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Princess Leia sat on a plush cream cushion. Her legs were crossed in front of her with her hands gently resting over her bent knees. Her long brown hair was twisted back in two braids looping at her neck's nape. Her large doe-like brown eyes held whimsy as she looked at the girl who sat opposite her. 

The girl, Josephine Gavana, sat on a plush cream cushion with her legs crossed in front of her and her hands resting gently over her knees. Her brown hair was braided back and ended in loops at the nape of her neck. Her eyes were wide and circular, though only one eye was deep brown like Princess Leia's. The other eye was a vibrant blue, like the top of the ocean as the sun peaks off of it. 

Leia tilted her head in wonder. Josephine turned her head the opposite way to mimic the princess. She moved like a mirror, following Leia's every move until they were near identical. They were like twins, save for Josephine's one blue eye. 

Leia huffed and stood from her cushion. Josephine reacted harshly as she stood and kicked her own pillow back. "If you're supposed to protect me, then why do you look like me?" Leia asked hotly as she looked over the very same clothes on Josephine's body. Her plump cheeks burned a cherry red that Josephine couldn't mirror. 

"I'm your decoy," Josephine used the words the Senator had fed her. She opened her mouth, but it was the Senator's words that came out. "I am supposed to be you in every sense. Your diplomat, your protector, your advisor. I will be by your side every second of every day."

Leia stomped her small foot on the ground. Josephine's eyes fell to the feet to watch the small movement. She lifted her own padded foot and dropped it in the same manner, though her stomp didn't have any of the irritation or frustration. 

"Stop copying me!" Leia shouted. 

Josephine eyed the young Princess. "But Princess... that's my duty. I was bought to be your decoy." She threw the word out again, not truly understanding its meaning. 

Leia stuck her hands to her hips, which Josephine copied to near perfection. "If you're supposed to be me then why are your eyes different?"

Josephine let out a breath as she thought of her eyes. One brown. One blue. 

Leia was right. They would set her apart. The galaxy would know who the real Leia is because of her brown eyes. 

The door to the shared common room opened as Senator Organa stepped in. He was a tall man with a looming, gentle presence. He commanded their attention as he looked from daughter to decoy. "Your eyes will be your biggest advantage, my daughter." He bowed beside Leia and placed a large, tan hand to her pale cheek. His deep brown eyes searched her, then moved to look over at Josephine who stood by her abandoned cushion. "The galaxy will hear of the Princess's beautiful, unforgettable eyes. Rumors will spread of the extraordinary sight of Princess Leia Organa's eyes." He looked back at his daughter, a cunning smile pulling on his deep rosy lips. "Your eyes hold a spark, Leia. They carry the entire galaxy's hope within them. Anyone who looks into them will see their beauty." He looked back at Josephine, the young girl bought by the Senator's money to do his own bidding. "And you, dearest, have eyes that hold the ocean and mud. They are beautiful on their own." He stood and straightened the sleeves of his coat. "The galaxy is at war, daughters. The Dark Side is fighting for room while the Light Side is straining for its hold. You, my dearest Leia," he placed a hand on her small shoulder. "Will be an important piece to the galaxy. Your protection is more important than anything else."

There was something else he wanted to say, but he didn't have the words to say it. How could one tell a young girl that she was bought to be a sacrificial lamb? How could Senator Organa look down at Josephine and tell her that when the time comes, she will die so that Leia can live?

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