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Jo wasn't necessarily happy to be back on Hoth. There were no beautiful views or blue skies for her to stare at in her spare time. She couldn't take a walk outside without the threat of extreme hypothermia, which left the small Rebel base. Her entire world was quickly shrunk down to a few rooms and way too many people. Not that she could complain about the people, the Rebel Alliance needed the numbers. She just hated running into someone every two seconds. 

"Home sweet home." Han let out a sigh as they left his Falcon and entered the hangar. Even with the hangar door closed the giant open space was below freezing, and the thick wool coat Jo had on did not provide enough warmth for her liking. 

"Yes... how sweet it is." Jo said dryly as she passed by everyone to head straight to her quarters. The trip was long and she was still exhausted from the extensive healing process that day before. 

"What's her problem?" Han asked sourly as he watched Jo storm away from them. 

"Apparently Benji tried to make a move on her and she had to turn him  down." Leia told him. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of telling Han Jo's personal life, but she figured Han had a weird way of making Jo feel better... or at least most of the time he did. 

"What'd that little twerp do?" Han glowered as he thought of Benji. The guy was a pest the entire time they were on Trache, or at least Han thought so. 

"Nothing-" Leia quickly changed her mind about telling Han. It wasn't a good idea. "She's just upset and her shoulder is still bothering her-"

"It is?" That was the first Han had heard of it. When he asked Jo before they left how it was feeling she smiled and said it was fine. She lied? To him?

"She winced this morning, that's all." Leia tried to back peddle, but it seemed to be too late.

"I'll go talk to her." Han grumbled as he moved to head to Jo's quarters. 

"That might not be the best idea-" Leia stepped in front of Han before he took another step. Han huffed as he looked down at the Princess. Her cheeks were starting to turn pink from the cold and she gave her first sniffle- of many. 

"And why not?"

"Because you aren't exactly the most sensitive guy." It wasn't Leia who said it, it was Luke. Han gawked at the boy but Luke gave a shrug. "What? It's true." He passed by Han and Leia as he and Chewie went deeper into the base to escape the cold. 

"Fine... I'll be more sensitive." The way Han said it gave Leia doubts of his abilities to be more sensitive.


"Look, just let me talk to her. If I make her more angry, I'll leave her alone." He proposed. Leia let out a sigh as she thought about it. 

"Fine." She cracked. "But if I come back to the room later and she's pissed at you- you'll have to deal with both of us."

"Oh no!" Han said with fake fright. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll be a completely angel."

"Like that's possible." Leia squinted up at him. 

Han didn't say anything to that. Instead he stepped around her and went to check on Jo. The girl had been uncharacteristically quiet on their way back. Normally she talks the entire flight- it helps to ease her nerves- but this time she barely spoke, even when spoken too. 

Han found Jo exactly where he thought he would: her chambers. When he knocked on her door, he expected for her to answer immediately with tears in her eyes and a trembling bottom lip. What he did not expect to see was her with dripping wet hair, rosy cheeks from the shower's steam, and loose clothes that looked like something she'd sleep in. 

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