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"So... is this like a regular Friday night around here?" Han asked Jo as the festivities were in full force. The two leaned along the wall on the outskirts of the party. Beyond them was a giant hall filled with every last pilot, navigator, rebel officer and senator. They were dancing to music and cheering for their lost brethren. Now, those they lost weren't mourned, but rather given a celebration for the lives they lived.

"No," She shook her head as she folded her arms over her chiffon flowy dress. It fell to the floor in many layers, but had a slit up the side that let her move with ease. "This is a bit more toned down than what we're use to." She joked.

Han seemed to sense the joke as he looked down at her with a laugh.

"You're funny, doll." 

Her lips twitched up as she looked out to the crowd. Though it was only half its previous size, the spirit was just as bright. 

"I like funny." Han added as he leaned closer to her. 

She raised a curious brow as she slowly craned her neck to look up at the smuggler. He had changed for the party as well, now dawned in a pristine white shirt under his light brown vest, and his pants were black and free of stains and wrinkles.

"And why would I care what you like?" Her tone was still humorous, and there was a spark in her eyes that made Han's grin widen.

"Because I figured out what there was here for me to come back to." He enlightened her as he turned to lean his forearm against the wall above her. He completely blocked out the party as he focused entirely on her.

"Oh?" She turned to face him. "Let's here it." She lifted a hand towards him.

Han leaned down until his lips brushed her ear. Then, with hot breath, he whispered, "You."

Jo's jaw slackened, but before she could think of a witty response, Han backed up and pulled on her extended hand.

She twirled before she fell into Han's chest. She gave a flustered gasp as she looked up at the man. "You know we can't dance." She told him. "People are watching. They might assume-"

"Relax," Han cut her off as he grabbed her other hand and spun her around again. She let him do so, and looked out at the crowd as she turned towards them. "The Princess is dancing with Luke." Han pulled Jo back to him so her back met his front. He trapped her there with his arms around her midsection. He lowered his head so he could whisper in her ear. "The people will think the Princesses are dancing with the saviors of the Galaxy. Nothing more." 

She shivered as Han's breath fanned her exposed neck. She tried to fight it as she looked back at him. "Saviors of the Galaxy?" She lifted both her and Han's hands to free herself of his hold and turned around to face him. As she did she moved his hands to the appropriate spots so they were dancing the same as Leia and Luke. "That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" She teased him.

"Nah," Han gave a cocky shake of his head. "It's well deserved."

Jo let out a loud laugh as she let Han guide her through the crowd.

The two kept dancing, and soon they both forgot about their images as they held one another close.

"I didn't think you knew how to dance." Jo noted as he spun her around expertly.

"Eh, it's not that hard." Han told her as he grabbed onto her small waist and lifted her up for a half spin.

Jo gave a smile as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the wind through her braided hair. As Han slowly set her down, she opened her eyes to peer up at him.

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