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Jo tended to Leia's wound as Han and Chewie relaxed next to them. Han was deep in a conversation with Chewie when all of their attention was drawn to the Death Star above. 

With her hands on Leia's shoulders, Jo looked up just as the Death Star exploded, sending trillions of small, shrapnel out into the space around it. 

"Woah!" Jo lifted her fist in a cheer for all of their comrades and for the success of their mission. "We did it!" She looked back at Leia expecting to find her looking more worried than cheerful. "What is it?" She asked. "Are you worried for Luke?"

"No..." Leia shook her head. "He's still alive, I can feel it." 

She nodded. Because somehow, she could feel it too. 

Still, there was discontent in Leia. It tugged a deep frown along her lips and dug a divot between her brows. "Then what is it?" 

"It's just..." Leia looked into Jo's warm eyes. "How can you not believe you have the Force? Even after everything today?" Once again, Jo's hands stilled on Leia, but not from excitement, rather from fear and doubt. "You have all the qualities of a Jedi, Jo. You can be exactly like Luke- we both can-"

Jo shook her head as she dropped her hands from Leia's shoulder. "You don't understand."

Han stopped his conversation with Chewie as he looked over to Jo and Leia. His ears burned, but not from the explosion, from Leia's use of the words 'Jedi' and 'Jo'. "Woah, wait-" he walked up to them and looked between the two Princesses. "What did you just say?" He gave Leia a pointed look. 

Leia met his gaze head-on in spite of the harsh tone. "Luke and I both believe that Jo is Force-sensitive, like Luke."

Han's brows knitted together as he spared Jo a single look. She wouldn't look at him. "I thought we all had the Force?" He looked back to Leia as he prosed the question. "Isn't that what you always say?" He nodded towards Jo as he remembered their conversation on her bed when she held her hand close enough to his to feel its warmth. 

Jo nodded solemnly as she finally looked into his hazel eyes. "We all have it in us, just like it's all around us."

"But some people have more of it, they have a deeper connection to it which gives them the ability to manipulate it. Luke says he saw Jo manipulate the force." Han's eyes widened as he looked between Jo and Leia. Leia turned away from Han to give Jo all her attention. "Train with me." She grabbed onto Jo's hands to pull her attention back in. "Train to be a Jedi Knight with me. Luke can teach us... and together we can protect the galaxy from anything!"

Jo had to admit, the idea sounded tantalizing. But she had already spent her whole life training. She kept her hands in Leia's as she looked up to her. "No." It was so soft the wind could have carried it away. She offered Leia a smile. "My whole life has revolved around training. I think..." she looked over to Han's concerned face. "I think I want to try something else." She pulled her hands from Leia's and turned to Han. Her smile widened as she lifted a hand to palm his cheek then she stood to her toes and kissed him. 

The world shifted around them, but his hands found her hips to ground her in the present moment. She found herself able to stay steady because of his grip on her. 

After a breath she pulled away and looked up to see Han's eyes wide open instead of closed. "What are you doing?" His lips barely moved as he asked her. 

She tilted her chin up so her lips brushed his. "Kissing you." Her lips vibrated against his with each word. "Is that okay?" She asked as she started to lean in again. 

"What about-" Han couldn't finish as Jo's lips touched him. 

This time Han closed his eyes as he let himself enjoy the kiss. If Jo was okay with their entire squadron seeing them kiss, then he didn't have a problem with it either. 

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