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Jo leaned between Chewie and Han as she looked down at the distant, pink planet. The skyline was littered with billowing clouds that seemed to blanket the entire planet. She couldn't see past them, and as she looked at the table read, she figured there wasn't much to look at. "Is that it?" She asked them. "That's Bespin?"

"Yup." Han picked up his headset to make contact with the planet's landing team. "You might want to take a seat, Doll. This could get rocky." Han warned Jo as they neared the gassy atmosphere of the planet.

Jo heeded Han's warning and sat in her chair, though she didn't buckle. She was far too interested in the new planet to worry about her safety.

The world around them became enveloped in a mist so thick they couldn't see anything in front of them. The Falcon shook through the mist, then they broke through to see the beautiful city that hung among the clouds.

"Incredible..." Jo whispered as she watched all the billowy clouds they flew past. "It's... beautiful." She found herself mesmerized by so many different things. The architecture of the buildings among the clouds were a thing of dreams, all tall, white slender column that meshed perfectly together.

Jo was too entrapped in the city's beauty to notice the cloud cars pull up beside the Falcon. Only when they opened fire did she pull her gaze away from the city.

"Why are they firing at us?" She asked as she looked to the right of them.

"No, I don't have a landing permit.  I'm trying to reach Lando Calrissian." Han spoke into his commlink. His headset prevented the others from being able to hear whoever was on the other line. "Whoa!  Wait a minute!  Let me explain." Han tried to explain as the pilots shot more lasers towards them.

"I don't think they're listening." Jo warned Han as she looked to their other side. They were surrounded, and they seemed like the type to shoot and ask questions later.

"You will not deviate from your present course." A voice came through the ship's overhead system.

"Rather touchy, aren't they?" C-3PO asked, though Jo thought he had little room to talk about touchy since he was previously shut down for being too dramatic.

Leia grabbed onto the back of Han's chair as she pulled herself forward to look at him. "I thought you knew this person."

Chewie gave a loud, long explanation of how Han knew Chewie.

Jo gasped as she looked from Chewie to Han with utter mortification. "You took his ship?!"

"Well, that was a long time ago." Han defended himself to both Chewie and Jo. "I'm sure he's forgotten about that."

"Forgotten about you taking his ship?" Jo scoffed. "Unlikely."

"Permission granted to land on Platform Three-two-seven." The same voice came back through the intercom just as the cloud cars stopped firing at them.

"Thank you." Han spat into the intercom, then he turned it off and pulled the headset off his head.

Chewie reprimanded his partner about how it was a bad idea to come back to Lando, especially after their last meeting.

Jo's fears only skyrocketed by Chewie's worries.

"There's nothing to worry about." Han swiveled in his chair to look at Jo and Leia. "We go way back Lando and me." His need to say it again gave Jo little faith.

"Who's worried?" Leia asked dryly.

Jo turned her attention back to the beautiful city as it bobbed among the clouds' surface. The beautiful white texture gleamed under the sunlight, making it appear to sparkle as they approached the landing strip.

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