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One Month Later

Leia stood tall as she looked over the entire Rebel Alliance. They flourished in the wake of their victory, and the inevitable downfall of the Empire raised everyone's spirits. 

Mon Mothma stood at Leia's side. Both women held a stunning beauty about them. Mon Mothma was set to be elected Chancellor of the new Republic, and she wore that with pride as she looked down on the people who made democracy possible. 

Leia, held all the poise and beauty of a Princess. She wore a white, fitted dress that trailed behind her. Her hair was in one long braid that trailed over her left shoulder to cover her scar. Small tiny pearls were placed throughout the braid to give her just a bit of sparkle. 

A proud, purposeful smile graced her lips as she stood next to Mon Mothma. 

"My people-" Mon Mothma's soft voiced carried through the all-marble temple. It echoed, efficiently silencing the crowd. "While we are here to celebrate a very successful attack against the Empire, and to celebrate all of our efforts moving forward, we have... more news." Mon Mothma motioned towards Leia before she stepped back to give Leia the lime light. 

When Leia stood by herself, she stepped up to the very edge of the raised platform and looked down at the crowd. 

In the front row at attention were Lando, Chewie, Han, Luke and their droids. Each were dressed in their bests as they looked towards their Princess with Pride. 

The absence of Jo by her side- and from the room- was becoming painstakingly obvious by the passing second. She wasn't the only one to notice the lack of a blue and brown-eyed beauty. The entire room felt her absence, she was, after all, the people's Princess. 

"For as long as I have served alongside everyone here, I have lied to you." Leia's opening line caused a small murmur to break through the crowd. "I have been trying to find a way to tell you ever since our gracious victory, but there is no easy or right way to say this." She clasped her hands together in front of her as she kept a steady gaze on the crowd. "I... am Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. I am the true Senator." The murmur raised in volume as the true identity of the Princess was revealed. "I know this must be a shock to you all, but I do not want you to think I have ever lied to you. The use of a decoy was for my protection, so I could be the leader that I needed to be- that the Rebel Alliance needed me to be-" Leia looked towards Luke for comfort, and he gave her a nod to continue on. "But now... I stand before you, alone, and wish to thank every single one of you for all that you have done for the Rebellion-" Leia's speech was interrupted as the doors at the far end of the temple opened. 

Everyone stood from their seats as they turned towards the entrance. Leia looked down the walkway as Jo pushed through the doors. She nearly lost her breath as she took in the sight of her best friend, her sister, her everything. 

With all eyes on Jo, the whispers spread like wildfire as they took in the new version of the person they thought was their Princess. 

But, no longer was Jo identical to the Princess, and never again would she be. 

Jo kept her gaze on Leia, and Leia alone, even though she could feel the thousand pair of eyes on her. Every single person in the temple looked at her, but she only saw her Princess. 

Leia soaked in the new version of her best friend. Jo had spent the last month reinventing herself, and for the first time, everyone saw her as she wanted to be seen. 

Her chestnut brown hair hung only to her shoulders, and the top half was pulled back in an intricate bun clasped by a golden snap. She wore tight-fitted black jeans with holes in the knees and brown boots with the laces pulled tight. Her black shirt clung to her sides but became overshadowed by the dark brown leather jacket she wore over it. The jacket fit her perfectly and gave her an edge that Leia had never seen before, but loved. She wore her weapons belt lopsided on her hips, with a laser pistol on each side of her. Only the right holster was strapped around her upper thigh. 

Despite the change of her hair and clothes, Leia looked into Jo's eyes and still saw the same Jo she grew up alongside. There was still the same spark in them, the same hope, the same dreams. They were still the eyes of her best friend. Leia knew that that would never change. 

Jo stopped at the steps in front of Leia and bent down to one of her knees. "Senator Organa," she addressed her formally. The entire temple quieted to hear the decoy's words. Jo lifted her head to look up at her Princess. "I have served faithfully under the Organa family for well over twenty years. I grew up alongside you, fought for you and with you, and you have granted me the freedom to finally live my life and make my own choices." She stood back up and gave Leia a smile so bright it dimmed the white marble in the room. "I choose to stand by your side, Senator, not as Princess Leia's decoy, but as Josephine Gavana of Alderaan... if you'll have me." She bowed respectfully. She wanted to prove to the others that she was no longer equal to Leia, she had to give her respects just as they had.

Leia stepped down from the platform to stand in front of her sister. "Stand up, Jo." Jo listened and lifted herself back up. She expected to be met with a harsh glare, but instead, she saw Leia's genuine smile. "I would love for you to stand by my side as Josephine Gavana... However..." A slow murmur broke out as Leia paused and looked towards Mon Mothma. The almost Chancellor nodded, already knowing what Leia's gaze was asking. With her permission, Leia turned back to Jo. "I believe it is only fair after all you've sacrificed for the Rebel Alliance... to be called... General Gavana." Jo beamed at her new title.

She couldn't help herself, she knew she wanted to be seen as equal to the others, but her overflowing happiness caused her to step up and throw her arms around Leia.

Her gratitude was amplified as the entire rebel base cheered for her. 

She pulled away from her Princess- her Senator- and turned towards the entire Rebel Alliance. 

She wore the brightest smile as she looked out at every last one of the officers she fought alongside and for. 

Lastly, she looked to Han, who had his hands cupped around his mouth as he shouted for her. Her smile somehow brightened just at the sight of him. 


Later, after Jo was promoted to General and the meeting broke way, Jo and Han found themselves in the observatory of the Rebel cruiser. 

The entire room was empty save for them, and they had nothing to look at except for the stars and one another. 

"For the first time in my life, I have a choice." Jo's voice was thick with emotion as she looked out into the vast void ahead of her. Her entire life it scared her- terrified her by just being. But now, all she saw were endless opportunities. She could go anywhere. The galaxy was waiting for her. "I finally get to live a life of choice, Han Solo..." Jo turned from the giant wall of windows to look up at the pilot who saved her life nearly two years ago. "I choose to live my life with you." Her eyes flicked between his two, sun-encapsulating eyes. "Do you choose me?" She asked him. 

"Yes-" Han breathed out as he wrapped his arms around Jo. The small girl squealed as he picked her up and spun her around, just like he had when she first told him she was free. The second he set her down, he captured her mouth and tried to express his gratitude with the kiss. 

Jo couldn't quite understand how her entire life leads up to this one single moment. With her lips against Han's, she realized that her life had reached absolute perfection. For so long she had been living in a cage, but now she was finally free. 

And she wanted to spend the rest of her life figuring out just what that meant. 

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