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Jo joined Leia in the brief room, but instead of it being filled, it was just Leia, Dodonna and C-3PO.

Jo sat next to Leia and grabbed her hand for support.

"Well?" Leia whispered as she kept her eyes on the electronic wall in front of her.

"Time will tell." Jo answered. She wasn't entirely sure if it worked. She could only pray that it was enough to get him to stay, or at least come back.

"Princesses," Dodonna stepped in front of them from his previous spot manning the computers. "I have to ask, while you were aboard the Death Star, did the true identity of the Princess reveal herself?" His eyes flicked between the two girls evenly. He never looked at one girl too long. He was very careful in treating them equally.

"Darth Vader had his suspicions." Jo started. "Though, through torture and the example he set on Alderaan, he still was not sure who the true Princess was."

"There was set to be an execution, but even as he set it he had doubts, Commander." Leia added in case word got around of Darth Vader's execution attempt on Jo.

Dodonna let out a sigh of relief. "That is wonderous news. Now more than ever it is vital that you keep the true Princess's identity a secret. What we're set on doing today will paint a giant target on all of our backs. The Empire knows that the Princess and Ambassador of Organa stole the needed information to complete this mission, they will be more set on eliminating her now than ever before." His strong words warned both Leia and Jo. But still, both girls gave him a nod.

"Do not worry, Commander." Their words came out in perfectly harmony.

"We have been deceiving many other powerful figures long before Vader." Leia boasted.

Jo squeezed her hand to keep her in check.

"Yes," Dodonna lifted himself up and gave the two a curt nod. "It appears that you have. Very well, my Princesses." He gave them a low bow before he turned back around and went back to the computers.

Jo and Leia gave each other a strange look. His interest in their cover fit his stature, but it was very unusual for him to doubt them.

There was a feeling in the pit of Jo's stomach, over the years she knew never to doubt these types of feelings, and right now it was telling her that her cover for Leia was important. More important than her own life.

She got the feeling a lot.

"Prepare for take off!" A loud voice sounded through the room's speaker system.

Jo let out a long breath as she kept her grip on Leia's hand. The two girls clung to one another as they could no nothing but listen.

"I feel so useless-" They both looked at each other as the same words left their mouths. They were use to speaking in perfect sync, but never accidently like that.

"You-" They started again. Despite the situation, both girls gave a laugh.

Leia waited until she was sure Jo wasn't going to speak, then she said, "This is a mission we started. It feels wrong not to finish it."

Jo nodded in complete agreement. "I know. It feels wrong to sit back and let others do what we set out to do." She hung her head low as she thought of all the pilots who were risking their lives for this mission. Though Jo knew it was important for them to destroy the death star, she wasn't sure the lives it cost to destroy it were worth it.

"All fighters have left the hangar, closing in on Death Star now-" The voice caught both girls' attention. They stopped their own conversation to listen to the pilots.

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