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Han Solo was not at all prepared for Jo as she stepped onto the Millennium Falcon first thing in the morning. Her hair was pulled back in a high, sleek ponytail- which Han had never seen before. While there was one small braid on each temple that added to the ponytail, Han had never seen her hair outside of a braid, let alone how it hung out of the ponytail and swayed with every step she took. It was far shinier than he expected, and very straight for someone who constantly had it in braids.

But Han couldn't focus on her hair for long, not when he realized she wore tight black pants, a wrap similiar to the one she wore on Trache, and a light brown leather jacket that reminded him of his- though hers fit her way better.

With her weapons belt buckled around her waist and right thigh, she looked less like a Princess and more like a smuggler. And Han was all for it.

"Well, well, well," Han's eyes ran along her figure. The wrap ended just above her navel in an inverted V. His gaze immediately became trapped on the exposed skin, and once they found it he couldn't pull his attention away. "I didn't know the Princess's wardrobe could be so..."

"Today I am not the Princess." Jo held her chin high as she looked at Han Solo. She saw his gaze lower to her navel but didn't try and cover up. "We are on a rescue mission. Our target is Officer Trewlouse Groover. He was taken by a Bounty Hunter and returned to Ord Mantell for extraction." Jo's voice was all business as she informed Han of their mission. "Luckily Groover has a tracking device on him. We will use that to locate him on Ord Mantell, take out the Bounty Hunter, and bring him home."

"All this-" Han's eyes did a once over again. "For some schmuck who got caught?"

"That schmuck-" Jo stepped towards Han. "Has served this Rebellion justly. If we don't look after our own, we are no better than the Empire." The fire in her words pulled Han's gaze from her thighs to her eyes. He found the same flame in her blue and brown gaze that he always saw in Leia's.

A chorus of bells and whistles pulled both Han's and Jo's attention to the two droids approaching the Millennium Falcon.

"Oh- Oh-" Han lifted his hand to the droids disappointedly. "They're coming?" He gave Jo a pleading look.

"The Princess's orders." Jo said without an ounce of remorse.

"Yeah? And how did you convince her to loosen your leash so you could come on this little voyage with me?" Han asked. Jo turned to Han hotly.

"Are you trying to say that I'm an animal who needs to be chained?" Her voice took on a lethal tone. "I'll have you know that this is officially my mission, meaning you'll have to take orders from me." Jo hooked her thumb towards herself. "So... who's really the one on a leash?" Jo moved back to allow room for R-2 and C-3PO to board the Falcon. When they passed she stepped back up to her previous spot.

"I like you best when you're pissed." Han's lips raised to a smirk, but Jo didn't find it at all charming. "It really brings out the spark in your eyes."

"Han Solo, I swear to-"

Jo was interrupted- once again- by a poorly timed cough. Again, the two turned from their heated discussion to spot Teeter at the bottom of the ramp.

He looked up at them awkwardly as he clung on to an over night bag.

"What are you staring at? Get on the ship!" Han ordered him.

Teeter didn't wait to be told twice. He loaded onto the ship and slipped past the two who refused to move to give him room.

"He's coming along too?" Han's loud voice carried over as he looked back at Jo.

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