The Empire Strikes Back

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"Senator Leia-" Both Leia and I turned at Leia's title to see General Kaivn approach. "Commander Willard has an update on the Death Star's construction. He's arranged a meeting in the briefing room." General Kaivn stood stiffly with his hands tucked behind his back. He was all business all the time. Jo couldn't decide if she liked it or was bothered by his lack of empathy.

"Thank you, General." Leia gave him a curt nod before she looked back at Jo. "Shall we?" 

Jo nodded as she led the way to the Briefing room. "Where are Han and Luke? Shouldn't they be back from their rounds?" Jo tried to make her question casual, but Leia saw right through it.

"They will be back by the end of our meeting, no need to fret." Leia bumped her elbows softly against Jo's.

"I'm not... fretting." Jo furrowed her brows as she looked towards the Princess. "Do I look like I'm fretting?"

"Senators... you're needed in command center." General Rieekan stepped out of the briefing room just as they were about to enter.

"Command center? Is everything alright?" Jo asked as they picked up their pace to follow after Rieekan.

"I'm not entirely sure, Princesses." His use of their old title worried them both. He was very good with titles, meaning if he forgot their upgrade then his mind must be on other- more important- things.

The command room- which was really a room they utilized as a command center- was actually a part of the temple that had been blasted with a turret at one point. It was the coldest room on the base- which is why Jo rarely visited it.

It bustled- as it always did- with droids, controllers, and troopers alike. The droids and controllers worked on the electronics- fixing signals that were damaged by the ice- while the troops watched the radars to make sure the perimeter was safe.

"What is it?" Leia asked as General Rieekan guided them towards one computer in particular.

"This came in today... we aren't sure what it is but its signs aren't organic." 

Jo and Leia looked at the monitor to see several large specs on their radar.

"So they aren't asteroids." Leia decided.

"Maybe part of a blown up ship that was finally pulled into our system?" Jo proposed. 

Leia tilted her head as she considered it. "It would explain why it's not organic."

"Perhaps." General Rieekan nodded. "But for now I suggest we count it as a threat. In these times we cannot be too careful."

"I agree." Leia and Jo spoke together. Rieekan only looked partially mortified by their perfect unison, which is better than most.

Jo and Leia turned back to the console to try and get a better read of the foreign objects. 

As they did, Rieekan looked towards Han as he entered Command Center. "Solo?" Rieekan stepped towards Han.

At his name, Jo perked up and looked towards the man. He was still all bundled up from his run of the perimeter. Jo found she liked him like that, with rose cheeks and rings around his eyes from his goggles. He looked like he was part of the rebellion.

"No sign of life out there, General." Han told Rieekan. 

Jo looked back at the monitor. 

Han's information just further solidified her hypothesis of it being dead space junk. "The sensors are in place.  You'll know if anything comes around."

"Commander Skywalker report in yet?" Rieekan asked.

"No. He's checking out a meteorite that hit near him." 

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