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The morning brought with it a new chill, but not from the temperature or the slow-rising sun. No, this chill came from the uncertainties of what happened the night before. 

Jo knew the odds of finding Luke and Han. She knew they were even less to find them alive. The thought itself was what was chilling, and it soaked her to the bone. 

She tried to outrun the feeling as she made her way into the hangar. 

Just as promised, Rogue Team were suited and waiting for her by their speeders. Each were equipped in suits made to withstand great temperatures. 

The rebels lined up as she approached them, but she barely stopped as she grabbed her helmet and started up the ladder of her own snow speeder. "Let's go." She stopped at the top and looked down at her rescue team. "We'll split up. Each of you will cover the edges of our perimeter. If there is no sign of life forms... go beyond the perimeter until you start to lose contact with Echo base. This is a rescue op, and while it it of utmost importance to find our own, I do not want to risk any of you to do so. Am I understood?" She looked at each cadet as they nodded. "Good. Now let's bring our men home."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes Senator."

Jo let out a breath as she twisted around to step into her speeder. When she was behind the controls she placed the helmet on her head and wrapped her cloak tighter around her neck to keep her warm. 

She fired up her speeder as she waited for the others to load up. She looked over everything as she pressed a button to close the dome over head, then she activated her commlink and called in to Echo Base. 

"Echo base, This is Rogue leader. Can you hear me?"

"We hear you Rogue Leader." Leia's voice crackled through her commlink. 

She smiled and looked at the panel of foreign buttons before her. "Good. Good." She muttered to herself. "On the stars, I hate flying."

"Rogue Leader, this is Rogue Two. We're ready to launch when you are."

She pulled in a strong breath and pushed her shoulders back. "Great. Let's head out. Follow my lead Rogue Team." 

At her command she slowly exited the hangar. When she was past the guards she kicked the throttle up and sped off into the snowy abyss. 

"Keep a close eye on your readouts. They could be just at the edge of your radar."

"Roger that."

Jo sped up as her anticipation and the full night of worry ignited a fire in her. Sure, Luke and Han had been in trouble before. But not like this. 

It was worrisome, and it pushed her harder as she flew faster than ever before. "Split off now." She told the others as she headed straight. 

The three cadets split off behind her as they headed towards the other edges of the base's perimeter. 

When it was just her and the snowy caps around her she adjusted her view to look at her readout.

For the first ten minutes she saw absolutely nothing, only white snow and black peaks of small hills where the snow blew off... but no sign of life. 

Jo widened her broadcast to catch any transmission within range. "Han Solo, if you hear me,  you say something." Her voice was almost pleading as she called out to him. "Luke? Luke-"

Suddenly, Jo got an idea. Her and Luke just talked about how they were always able to feel one another because of the Force. 

She laughed at how stupid she was for not thinking of it earlier, and tried to calm herself down. Then, she thought of all of the connections the Force makes. She thought of the snow speeder and herself, the snow all around her and the sky. She thought of all the ways the Force moved around her- then without her even trying- her ship turned slightly to the left. 

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