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"C-3PO, go to our quarters and collect all of our clothes." Jo commanded her droid. 

"Yes, Princess. Come on, R-2- o-, I have to say I am not going to miss this cold planet." C-3PO made small talk as he left the command center with R-2 in tow. 

Jo turned to General Rieekan as she said, "I will personally see to the transports in the hangar. I want to make sure they are secure before departure." 

The General nodded at her thoughtful application. 

She spared Leia the briefest of glances before she turned and left the Command center for the hangar. 

When she arrived she found the hangar in a state of constant motion. All the transports were being loaded with heavy machinery and boxes. Though people moved quickly, they weren't in a panic- not yet, at least. 

"Captain." Jo walked up to the Captain in charge of the transports. "What's your estimated time for departure?" She asked as she looked over his shoulder at the numerous transports still being loaded. 

"As soon as each transport is loaded, evacuation control will give the clearance for immediate launch." He told her. 

"Time- I need an exact time." Jo seethed at his inaccuracy. "How long until we can start loading people off this base, Captain?" She formed her answer differently so he understood her need for a correct answer. 

"Twenty minutes." He estimated. 

Jo pursed her lips as she watched two men struggle with a wooden crate. "Be careful!" She sprinted over to the two men and picked up the side they almost dropped. "Come on, go." She helped them load it the rest of the way into the transport. 

"Thank you, Princess." They showed their gratitude as they went to load the next thing. 

"Have some droids help you. That should speed it up a bit." She offered as she went back to the captain. "Is the shield in full effect?" She asked as she moved a loose strand of hair from her face. 

"As of five minutes ago. General Rieekan has issued a ground assault."

"Ground assault?" Jo asked. "Has something entered the Hoth System?"

"A fleet of Star Destroyers has just come out of hyperspace." 

"A fleet?" Jo couldn't believe it. "Make your men hurry up. Start loading all personnel starting with lower levels. I'll check on the pilots-" Jo patted the Captain's back before she turned to sprint towards the front of the hangar where the pilots kept their speeders. "General Derlin." Jo stopped short of the General. 

He had all of his pilots lined up waiting to be briefed. At her call he turned and bowed to her. "Princess Leia, I was just waiting for your instructions." 

Jo was sure he was talking of the other Princess Leia, but there wasn't time to wait around. "Thank you, General." She nodded at Derlin before she looked over the pilots. They formed around her, trapping her in a circle as they waited for her word. 

She cleared her throat and thought of her years of diplomacy training. She pulled her shoulders taut and held her hands behind her back to make her appear taller. She spun on her heels as she looked at each pilot. "I've spoken with General Rieekan and Captain Botun. Imperial Star Destroyers have entered our system. That means our transports will need to be guarded as they leave our energy field." Jo sucked in a breath to prepare herself for the blow she was about to deliver. "All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance. The heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded- Captain Botun estimates about twenty minutes before the first transpos are ready. Only two fighter escorts per ship." The muttering started at that, just as Jo had expected. "The energy shield can only be opened for a short time, so you'll have to stay very close to your transports."

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