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Another week and Jo was ready to find Han. She had been ready the moment she woke from her coma, but at Leia insisted she waited. Now, she was back to full strength, she just needed the doctor's note to prove it. 

"Any dizzy spells?" The med bot asked as he slowly moved his arm over Jo's body. He had a X-ray machine installed in his arm. Each swipe over her showed him all of her insides. "Any moments of weakness?"

"No." Jo answered both. 

"Fatigue after excessive exercise?"

"No more than normal." Jo told the bot. She gripped the edge of her bed as she looked forward at the wall. She was never comfortable around med bots. Something about them always felt invasive to her. 

"Do you experience trouble sleeping?"

"What?" Jo's brows furrowed as she looked up at her bot.

His yellow eyes glowed as he looked at Jo's charts while they printed. "You received extensive neurological changes, it would be expected if your sleep habits changed... do you find it hard to fall asleep? Or stay asleep? Either are symptoms of your brain being unable to... shut down."

"No." Jo lied. "I sleep fine."

There was a pause at the bot looked over her charts. Jo had the brief thought that he could somehow determine that she lied. But if he did, he didn't mention it. 

"Do you experience a tingling sensation in your fingers or toes?" He moved on with his evaluation. 

"No." Jo answered truthfully. 

The door to the med bay opened, and through it walked Leia, Luke, R-2, and C-3PO. 

"Welcome." Jo greeted them smugly. "Come to witness my clean bill of health?" She raised an eyebrow as she looked towards Leia.

"I've come to see if you're as ready as you believe you are." Leia folded her arms over her chest defiantly. A huge part of her wanted Jo to be healthy, but she knew that meant she would go off and search for Han, and that could potentially get her killed. 

"Trust me," Jo looked between Leia's dark eyes. "I am."

"I just need to draw some blood-" Before Jo could prepare herself, the bot stuck a giant needle in Jo's upper arm and drew some blood. She hissed and looked down to see the thick, dark blood fill a vial. 

"A little more warning next time." Jo chastised the bot. 

"My apologies, Princess." 

The bot turned around and connected the vial of blood to a small machine in the far corner of the room. 

Jo rubbed her sore arm as she turned to watch the blood analysis. 

Luke had the fleeting idea to ask the bot to analyze Jo's midi-chlorian, he was almost positive the results would come back and prove that she had Jedi blood running through her. But before he could ask, he decided against it. Jo had too many other things going on in her life right now, he didn't want to add another thing for her to figure out. 

"Well?" Jo asked the doctor bot after a minute of analyzing it. 

"I will need to take some additional CT scans." The bot decided as he turned back around to Jo. 

"Oh come on!" Jo groaned, but still she laid down on the bed and waited for the machine to run over her head. "This is ridiculous. You've taken these scans every day for two weeks." Jo complained as the bot stationed the machine over her head. "If there's something wrong, just tell me." Jo looked up to the ceiling as she waited for the machine to start up. 

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