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Jo stood behind Han's and Chewie's seats as she watched the Death Star grow even bigger in front of them. She was right before, it was way bigger than the last one, and far more protected. She counted over two dozen TIE fighters and several Star Destroyers like the ones that followed them through the asteroid bed. 

"If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie," Han told his co-pilot. 

Chewie gave a low growl as he agreed with Han. 

Jo let out a slow breath through her mouth as she kept a steady gaze on the ever-growing Death Star. The closer they flew, the more power she felt. It wasn't necessarily the power of the Death Star itself, there was something in it, something much more powerful. 

"We have you on our screen now. Please identify." 

Jo jumped at the sudden voice over their radio. She looked down as Han picked up his receiver. "Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield." Han kept his voice steady and deep. Something Jo didn't think she could do right now.

"Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage." The voice demanded. Jo watched as Han flipped a switch for the ship's transmission codes. 

"Transmission commencing." The crew could hear the hiss of the high-speed transmission as it played through. 

Jo reached back for Leia's hand without even thinking. It wasn't until Leia laced her fingers through Jo that the decoy even realized what she was doing. Leia really was like an extension of herself. She was always there for her, just within reach, ready for her whenever she needed her. Being her decoy wasn't all bad, Jo had come to love Leia like her sister. 

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid," Leia said after the transmission finished sending. 

"It'll work," Han told her as he kept his eyes on the Death Star in front of them. "It'll work." He whispered to himself. 

Chewie let out a low, nervous whine as he looked at his partner. 

Again, Jo couldn't shake the ever gloomy presence of immense power as they approached the Destroyer. She tried to talk herself into it just being the situation, but it was more than that. 

"Vader's on that ship," Luke said. 

At his words, Jo sucked in a quick breath as she realized he was right. She felt that power before, back on Bespin. 

"Now don't get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships."

"He's right," Jo agreed with Luke. "I can feel him too." Jo looked over at Luke to give him comfort. "He's there." Luke and Jo exchanged a long, sorrowful glance. 

"Keep your distance, Chewie." Han decided to listen to the two. "-but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance." Han added as an afterthought. Chewie, who was busy flipping several switches to slow down their vessel, questioned what Han meant. "I don't know. Fly casual."

"I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come." Luke's eyes were still on Jo as he said it. 

"It's your imagination, kid. Come on. Let's keep a little optimism here." Han tried to cheer them all up, but Jo was too focused on what Luke meant by that. 

"He can sense you too?" She asked him. Luke seemed hesitant to answer. "How? I thought we could only feel each other because of our connection? What connection do you have to Vader?"

"Woah, Woah-" Han turned in his chair to look up at Jo. "What connection do you have to Luke?" Han's jealousy started to show as he looked between Jo and his friend. 

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