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"We're nearing the coordinates you gave me. We're pulling out of lightspeed in three-" Jo gripped the arms of her chair. "-two-" She let out a cool breath to try and ease her nerves. "-one-" as the ship lerched forward, it exited lightspeed, which sent everyone in the ship rocking back as the ship adjusted to the much slower speed. "We're clear." Han said as he adjusted some of the control to make up the difference in speed. "All right back there, doll? Feel a bit nauseous?" Han poked fun at Jo as he listened to her heavy, bated breath.

"Just peachy, rescuer." She used the nickname more as a slur. Han seemed to notice it as he gave her a scowl.

Jo's mood towards his teasing got the best of her as she unbuckled and stood up from her seat and left the cockpit.

"Okay, that's enough-" Han followed after the annoying girl as she blatantly disrespected him- for the fifth time that day. "I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, or if you somehow got this all backwards, but I saved your skin today. You and the real princess-" He seethed as he followed her down a hallway.

Jo gave an airy laugh as she turned around hotly and stepped towards Han. He was so surprised by her sudden move he stumbled back a step.

"Rescue?" Jo looked around the hall quizzically, as if she were searching for the butt of the joke. "According to you, you didn't even want to rescue us." She met his gaze once again. "You didn't give any plans, actually... the only thing you did do was pilot this ship and shoot your gun a couple times- and both of those could account for your idealism 'every man for himself'." She looked between his eyes as she used his own phrase against him. 

"Listen here," Han took another step towards her. Jo gulped as his nose brushed against the tip of hers. She backed up until she ran into the wall, then she braced herself against the cool metal. She had a moment of clarity given to her by the metal, but it barely made a dent to the heat building in her body as she watched the fire light up in Han's eyes. "Just because I didn't like the plan doesn't mean I abandoned it. You're off that ship aren't you? You're safe and all in one piece?" As Jo nodded he gave a grin. "That's because of me." He poked himself in the chest with his thumb. "I think I deserve some gratitude."

"Gratitude?" She couldn't help but laugh at the absurd idea. "Leia told me about your goal. You're only after the reward, right?" She raised a brow as she saw the realization in his eyes. "You'll get your money. That should be all the gratitude you need." She told him icily.

When he didn't say anything, she slipped out from her tight space between him and the wall and moved to find the restroom on the ship. She felt utterly disgusting and didn't want to appear that way when they landed.

"The kid told me he got a kiss from the Princess." Han called out as he kept on following Jo. "How's he get a kiss and I get squat?" He stepped in front of Jo to stop her from walking away.

"A kiss? Is that what you want?" Jo looked between his eyes quickly. "Or do you want your money?"

"Can't a guy want both?" He asked with a laugh.

For some reason, Jo didn't find the laugh annoying. She actually liked it, along with Han's persistence. No one's ever been this attentive to her before and she kind of enjoyed it.

"Fine," Jo gave a shrug. She leaned up and peaked the corner of Han's mouth. Han's body went incredibly stiff as her hot mouth landed dangerously close to his. He was so surprised she actually did it, he didn't close his eyes or savor the moment before she pulled away.

She had never been so close to another person's mouth, so as she pulled away her entire body broke out in a blush, making her instantly sweat. "Better?" Her voice shook, but she quickly hid it as she turned to flee.

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