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Jo gripped her staff as she turned on her heels. She used her built up momentium and swiped at the training droid. She followed through with her hit, and fell to her knees as she slid behind the crumbling droid to take out the one behind it. 

She fell back to her butt and kicked at a droid that tried to sneak up behind her. As it fell she rolled onto her back then pushed her self up and jumped back to her feet. 

The heavy steps of several droids behind her made her turn. She lifted the staff above her head and twirled it to gain momentum as she approached the droids. When she was within striking distance she brought the staff down and across, knocking the three droids' head sideways. 

Sparks flew from their twisted circuits, and they fell to the ground as they lost power. 

A droid came up to Jo's side, and she shoved the end of her staff into the droid's neck. She tried to pull it out, but it got twisted around some wires and refused to move. As Jo struggled with her staff she heard a set of footsteps behind her.

Jo craned her head just as another droid came up to her right. With one on each side of her, Jo kicked her leg up and caught the toe of her shoe on the approaching droid's shoulder. She kicked off the droid, propelling herself up and over the droid with her staff in its neck. 

As she flew over the droid, her staff lifted and graphically ripped the droid's head from its body. 

That didn't stop Jo. As she fell to her knees behind the beheaded droid, she dropped her staff and instead took out her two blasters and raised them up to the incoming droids on each side of her. 

"Enough-" Luke powered down all the training droids before Jo shot any of them. "I thought we agreed to no blasters?" Luke chastised Jo as he walked through the pile of dead bots to get to her. 

Jo put her blasters back in their respective holsters as she picked herself up.

"And I remember telling you that it's not realistic. In a real scenario I will use my blasters over some elongated stick." Jo bent down to pick up the staff. 

She lobbed it over to Luke who caught it with ease. He spun it around in one hand and watched as the ends blurred. 

"I can sense your anger." He told her as he threw the staff up and caught it. 

"Anger?" Jo scoffed as she stepped over the beheaded bot. "I don't know what you're talking about." She feigned ignorance as she moved towards her water bottle. 

"Ever since you woke up, you've been carrying it around with you. Each day it grows darker and darker." Luke watched her as she drank. "I'm worried about you." He admitted. 

Jo dropped her bottle and used the back of her hand to wipe the moisture from her chin. 

"Worried?" She looked back at Luke. "You should be worried about Han. I've been awake for a week and we are no closer to finding him. Who knows what he's going through?" Her anger wrapped around her, crawling up her arms and curling around her shoulders like a venomous snake. If she wasn't careful, it would wrap around her throat and tighten. "I was out for six months, Luke, and you couldn't find him." Jo took a threatening step towards Luke. "Did you even look?"

"Of course I did." Luke watched her advancing steps. He could feel her anger swelling. Slowly it was filling the whole room. "I care about Han too."

"But do you love him?" Jo asked coldly. She clenched her fists as Luke's eyes widened. "Because I love him, Luke. I love him and he was taken from me and no one is doing ANYTHING!" Her voice veberated back to her. She let out a harsh breath as she suddenly realized how close she had gotten to Luke... and how she had his shirt gripped in her fists. 

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