Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV

"Okay Elizabeth. Time for me to officially introduce you. This is Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed." Meliodas introduced. Elizabeth was currently resting on a bed we brought outside on the roof.
"Where did you get that outfit?" I asked.
"I can't parade around naked in front of a princess, can I? Although I'm sorry you'll miss the show my little goddess."
"You can be dressed in a winter coat and layers for all I care."
"How'd even get the money." Meliodas asked.
"I just happened to stumble across it. It was a total fluke. Speaking of introductions, it's been a long time, Diane."
"I'd have been perfectly happy if I I'd gone 100 years without seeing you again."
"I'm Elizabeth. Please forgive me for not rising to greet you."
"Not at all, Highness. Our order doesn't stand in ceremony. Let's all be friends, the five of us."
"You mean the six of us."
"Are you out of it Captain? There are only five of us."
"There are six! Are you sure you don't have a screw loose?"
"Who said that?" Ban asked.
"Look down." I sighed.
"I did."
"That pig is talking!!!!"
"You're freaking out over that now?!!!"
"No way! A pig that can talk like a person? That's totally crazy! I got it! You're King aren't you?" Hak asked. "That must be it! You were cursed, and you finally turned into an actual pig!"
"King is dead. According to the rumor, anyway."
"I'm warning you, I'm no ordinary pig. I' Sir Hawk, Captain of the order of Scarps Disposal!"
"Oh, wow! I've never heard of that order before!"
Ban said amazed.
"Have you made your introductions? Eat it before your dinner gets cold!" Next thing I know everyone is grabbing a plate of food and enjoying the dinner. I mainly ate with Elizabeth and Diane while Bam spent the whole night getting drunk and playing with Hawk. Meliodas came with us too feeding Elizabeth a little, and then Diane, and finally me.
"C'mon, don't hold out on me, Captain Hawk... Teach me, master!" A drunk Ban said laying in Hawk's back.
"Do something about this guy."
"He's totally wasted." I laughed.
"I wish this could go on forever. But I guess that's not in the cards." Elizabeth said.
"Say, Princess..." Diane began. "I don't know much about humans or the customs of human lands. And frankly, I'm not interested. But... I'm okay with fighting for you. Because you were pretty badass today."
"Me? No, I didn't do anything..."
"Diane told me what happened. I found it pretty impressive." I complimented and she blushed a little.
"You have a power, all right. The power to move our hearts."
"But Lady Diane."
"Say, Princess?"
"Would it be alright if I called you Elizabeth?"
"Yes!" She smiled.
"Then don't worry about being formal with me, either."
"Me too. Please just call me (y/n)."
"No I couldn't possibly!"
"It's fine really. We're friends, aren't we?" I smiled. Then a shooting star fell accross the sky following by another and another until there were dozens of them crossing each other in the form a cross. We all stared at this beautiful, rare moment with amazement. This was sure to be a night to remember that much I knew. It was peaceful and in that instance it seemed like their was no problem in the world, like their was no Holy War. It was just a group of friends having a fun night together. But eventually, all good things must come to an end.


"Okay since we have an extra bed we need to make new sleeping arrangements." Meliodas began. "Me and (y/n) will sleep here. Ban and Elizabeth can sleep upstairs."
"Alright." Elizabeth said.
"Why can't I sleep with Elizabeth?" I asked.
"Because I'm not sleeping with Ban."
"Fine. But let's change it up. Elizabeth you can sleep with Meliodas and I'll sleep with Ban."
"What?! Wait-." Meliodas tried to protest but I cut him.
"I'm sure Elizabeth would rather sleep with someone she's more comfortable with."
"Goodnight." I waved to a very disappointed Meliodas. When we got upstairs Ban was the first to jump on the bed and knock out cold.
"Seriously who sleeps that fast." I said to myself. I laid in bed as well at the edge away from him but it didn't work out the way I hoped. During the night he ending up pulling me closer to him in his sleep. One arms was wrapped around my waist the other rested on my hips with some of his fingers in between my thighs. I tried wiggling away but he wouldn't let me go. How am I suppose to sleep like this?

When morning rolled around I was completely exhausted. I barer slept wink but Ban seemed to have slept like a baby.
"Morning my little goddess."
"Morning Ban." I said tiredly.
"You sound tired. Couldn't sleep."
"How am I suppose to sleep when you're holding me like this?"
"Aww embarrassed are you?" He teased. "You're cute when you blush you know."
"Shut up. And let me go. It's morning."
"So what? I think I'll go back to sleep and you keep you here." He whispered in my ear.
"Please don't." I begged my face a bright red. His breath felt so warm when he whispered into my ear. Out of nowhere Ban started kissing a trail down my neck until I jumped out of the bed and away from him. "W-why?!!"
"To wake you up. Now you're jumpy."
I stormed out the room going down to the kitchen where everyone was already gathered.
"Morning (y/n). What happened?" Meliodas asked.
"Did Ban try something?" Diane asked looking through the window.
"I'm over it now."
"Really? So you're not going to do anything?" Ban asked.
"No." Then Meliodas punched Ban in the stomach so he spit out some blood.
"I told you not to touch (y/n) Ban." Meliodas said calmly.
"How did you know I even touched her?"
"I can tell."
"Would you like to have breakfast with us (y/n)?" Elizabeth asked.
"No thank you. I'd rather starve than eat Meliodas's food." Ban grabbed a bottom of Vanya Ale while Meliodas pulled out a map.
"We're heading for the Necropolis. We'll look for King there."
"Didn't you say that fatty was dead?" Ban asked.
"It's our only lead, so let's go check it out."
"What sort of place is that Necropolis?" Elizabeth asked a little scared.
"Beats me. All I've heard is that it exists." Meliodas answered.
"If it's called an Necropolis, is got to be haunted, right? Call me even in the middle of the day, with graves all in a row?" Hawk said.
"There won't be any bugs, will there?" Diane asked.
"Is King really there, will be be alive?" Hawk asked.
"Hawk cut it!" Elizabeth begged covering her ears.

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