Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV

When I came to, we were in a whole other place. There was a little fire with everyone gathered around it and right next to it was a small lake.
"What's going on? What happened?"
"(Y/n)! You're awake!" Elizabeth exclaimed.
"Did I fall asleep?" I asked.
"Don't ever scare me like that again!" Diane cried.
"I'm sorry Diane."
"I'm glad you're feeling better, (y/n)." A familiar voice said.
"King? King?!" I ran up and attacked King with a hug. "So you're joining us! I'm so happy!"
"R-really? But I ignored you before." King said with a red face.
"It's alright. I didn't really mind." I smiled.
"So what happened to you?" Ban asked handing me a grilled fish on a stick.
"Where did you go?"
"I'm not really sure." I answered sitting back down and accepting the food. "The last thing I remember was Ban leaving us in the Necropolis. But I feel like I'm forgetting something important."
"That's the last thing you remember?" Hawk asked.
"Well that's not important right now. You should eat up and regain your energy." Meliodas said.
"But I feel fine. See!" I stood up and made my wings appear to show them I was okay.
"Well if you're fine, you can come drink with me!" Ban said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm good thanks."
"Aww come on! I even picked out the outfit for you. The least you could do is drink with me."
"New outfit?" I looked down and noticed that I was indeed in a different outfit. It was a short white dress with unattached, puffy sleeves that had black designs at the top and a black corset around my waist.

 It was a short white dress with unattached, puffy sleeves that had black designs at the top and a black corset around my waist

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"You picked this?" I asked.
"Yeah. Looked your style. How do you like it?"
"It's nice. Thanks."
"Meliodas tried to get you to wear something else but I dealt with him for you!" Hawk said proudly.
"I appreciate it Hawk. We both know how Meliodas is."
"What do you mean by that (y/n)?" Elizabeth asked.
"Do you really have so little faith in me?"
"Yes." Hawk and I answered.
"Diane, are you're injured all better?" King asked.
"Yup. I feel great."
"Dumbass, she pretended to be hurt to get the Captain to fawn over her!" Ban laughed.
"Diane's not that kind of girl!" King defended while Diane gave a look knowing well that Ban wasn't lying.
"Calm down you two." Meliodas said.
"Speaking of girls, I never asked. What is your relationship with this girl, Captain?" King asked.
"She's a princess of the realm. The third, right?"
"A-A Princess?!?!"
"You should have said so. If I had known, I would have made myself presentable!" King closed his eyes focusing all his strength to turn himself back to the King from ten years ago.
"Hey, your clothes changed." Meliodas said.
"Look closer!!!" Ban yelled.
"It requires mental effort to change into this form."
"What a pig." Hawk said and I giggled.
"I am King the Grizzly Sin of the Seven Deadly Sins. I am glad to make your acquaintance." He bowed.
"The pleasure is mine I'm sure."
"I was unaware are you were a princess. Please forgive my poor manners and then Necropolis."
"Think nothing of it. Please don't be stressed out. Feel free to relax."
"Oh. Well, if you insist." King turned back to normal following on his pillow in exhaustion. "That really took a lot out of me.
"His clothes changed back."
"Look closer, damn it!!!"
"I have to say, you sure are powerful, Sir King. You mopped the floor with an opponent that Sir Meliodas and the other were having trouble with, all by yourself." Elizabeth complemented while King hugged his pillow and floating in the air.
"True, I'm fairly powerful. But you guys should have beaten that Holy Knight if you'd been able to unleash your real power." As King said that Ban was drinking while the rest of were relaxing. "Fees up, you four, where are your sacred treasures?"
"I lost mine." Diane admitted cutely.
"I sold mine!" Meliodas said happily.
"Mine got stolen." A drunk Ban said.
"Traded mine." I smiled.
"Are you saying that Sir Meliodas, Sir Ban, (y/n), and Diane could have beaten that Holy Knight?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes." King answered. "Speaking of Holy Knights there's something you should know. There have been some failed apprentices who have gained powers like those of a Holy Knight overnight. Guila, for instance. She was a Holy Knight apprentice until just the other day. Can you believe that?"
"Her?" Meliodas asked.
"In spite of this mess we're in, you took the sacred treasure King Liones bestowed on you and sold it?!!!!"
"I needed seed money for the tavern." Meliodas said without a care in the world.
"Your was stolen?!!!"!
"When I was thrown into prison." Ban explained laying on Hawk. King then turned to Diane and immediately calmed down.
"Um, am I a bad girl?"
"W-well, if you misplaced it no one's to blame."
"Sorry for making you mad King." I apologized.
"No, it's not your fault. You probably had a good reason to trade it right?"
"I traded to free some slaves."
"See that's a good reason. I can't blame you for that."
"Hey, I don't understand why you're getting so upset King. These guys do pretty well with what they got." Hawk said.
"Sir Pig. Let's say that this lake represents the mana of one of us. How much of the lakes water can you scoop out using your hands?
"That's right. No matter how much mana there is, your hands limit you. But if they used a weapon especially their sacred treasures, they could draw forth greater amounts of mana."
"Sacred treasures sure are awesome, huh?" Meliodas said.
"Oh, it all makes sense! Why the hell did you give yours up?!" Hawk yelled grabbing Meliodas's collar and shaking him.
"In any case, we will need to locate your sacred treasures. Assuming that you're serious about saving the room."
"Excuse me, Sir King, you were working with someone inside the castle, weren't you?"
"Yes, more or less."
"Do you know what became of my father and sisters?"
"No I'm sorry."
Eventually night time rolled around and we headed back into the boat hat. Hawk was assigning bedroom arrangements since we had another member joining us while Meliodas organized the bar and I sat and watched.
"Hey, why did you name this place the Boar Hat?" I asked.
"I don't know. It just came to me. Why?"
"It's weird. I feel like I've heard this name before. Strange right?" For a second Meliodas stoped scrubbing the counter but quickly continued.
"It's not that strange." Then we heard the sound of King complaining about his room so I decided to go check it out.
"Then I'll go outside and rough it out there." King said when I walked in.
"Don't sleep outside." I said.
"I can't sleep here with him!" King yelled pointing at a sleeping Ban. "And I'm guessing the captain is sleeping with you."
"Nope. This is my room."
"It is?! The captain allowed that?!"
"More like I made him. Stay in here and sleep with me."
"O-okay." King replied with a red face. "But I'll sleep in the middle. I can't trust Ban." King flew to the bed and got comfortable to sleep.
"Good luck with that."

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