Chapter 13

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3rd POV

The battle beaten Howzer and Guila against the other Holy Knights was a tough one indeed. They knew that they didn't stand a chance but they still fought to protect Diane, realizing who the real villains and heroes were. The battle turned in there favor though with the arrival of Gowther. Gowther was able to put Dreyfus in a dream while Guila and Howzer dealt with the remaining Holy Knights until suddenly Dreyfus awakened while Gowther fell onto the floor unconscious. Then Dreyfus fell on his knees weak from Gowther's mental attack so Gilthunder helped him retreats while Helbram dealt with the rest.
"Call of Inferno!" Helbram cast a spell which covered the area in a cloud of black, poisonous mist. The Holy Knights fell to the floor coughing up blood until Diane suddenly punched Helbram causing the spell to deactivate.
"Pesky Giant, aren't you?" Diane was pushed back into a building by a large icicle piercing her stomach.
"Diane!!!" Howzer yelled. More icicles former around Helbram and when he was ready he sent them flying to Diane until suddenly, every single one of them shattered to pieces and the one that caused that was King.
"Well, well, if it isn't the Fairy King?"
"Who did this? Who did such terrible things to Diane?" King asked in a soft voice. "Was it you? Or you?!" His voice was much louder this time.
"It wasn't them... those two protected me. So please don't blame them."
"You call that protecting her? You didn't protect her at all!!" King yelled punching Howzer's armor.
"Hey, stop!" Howzer said grabbing King's fist.
"Why is it that I... I can never... ever... why can't I ever protect the ones I love?"
"You always came late. No, you were always too late. Like 20 years ago, when the Fairy King's Forest vanished. Or like that time 700 years ago, and today as well. Thanks to you, the Giant girl will die!" Helbram yelled while coming to attack King from the air but was pushed away by Chastiefol which then turned into multiple spears and rained down on Helbram but he used a protection spell to protect himself. Back in its spear form Chastiefol shattered the barrier and then turned into a bear to uppercut Helbram.
"Say your prayers."
"Hey, you're more motivated today than at Vaizel, huh?"
"Go back to your original form. You know you can't release your true magical powers like that... Helbram." In a puff of smoke Helbram turned into a fairy with his sword floating beside him. "That day in Vaizel, I never dreamed it was you. Thanks to that dingy helmet of yours..."
"Shutup!!!" Helbram yelled forming a giant vine to slap King be he blocked with his pillow. "I admit it's one dirty helmet. But I couldn't bear to discard it. This helmet serves as a warning to myself."
" I'm not interested in your story!"
"What have you been so grumpy about all this time? Are you that dejected about Miss Big&Sweet over there? But she's just one of your motley crew of ragtag knights, isn't she?"
"I'm not asking you to understand. How important she is to me!"
"In that case, why don't you just stick her in a box? Oh wait, you can't."
"You know it as well as I do, don't you? The pain of losing a loved one!"
"Then do you understand this? The pain of losing a loved one before your very eyes?" Before King knew it a large vine flew straight past him heading right for Diane until he slapped it away with his pillow and fell on the floor. King attempted to attack but was slapped by a vine and then picked up into the air. He was thrown into the center of a group vines which played a game where they continuously slapped him around like a ball. He tried to counter using his small daggers but they were just pushed aside and flew away. "A no good Fairy King, such as yourself, could never bring out its full power since it was made from the Sacred Tree. Why don't you just feast your eyes on the sight of your beloved giant being ripped apart?" All the vines went straight for Diane but were cut by Howzer; however they only grew back and slapped him away. "I want you to burn the image of your loved one's horrible death onto your eyelids, your mind's eye, and your soul!" At the same time the vines all slapped Diane causing a large gust of wind to form around the area making it hard to see within. When King was thrown onto the ground and the dust cleared all that could be seen was a large green barrier protecting Diane while also helping everyone inside. "That attack had no effect at all? From the start, did you abandon both your attacks on me, and your own defense, so you could pour all your magic powers into saving that giant who refuses to die?"
"Helbram... Seven hundred years ago, that promise I made with you... let me fulfill it now."
From that point on King only focused on beating Helbram with all he had. There weapons were always clashing against one another. For most of the battle King had the upper hand and finally was able to cut him down, at least bringing him peace.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, (y/n) was still rotting away in absolute boredom until suddenly she felt it. The power keeping her trapped within her spell dissipated and the door slowly opened. (Y/n) stepped out not seeing anyone but that didn't matter. She already knew who it was, after all, only one person could break such a spell.
"Finally. I'm going to have to pay some people back for this one. I can already sense all the different magic. There are a lot of powerful people. Time to have some fun." With that (y/n) made her wings appear and flew straight up through the ceiling until she was high in the sky. There she saw Arthur fighting Hendrickson and Gilthunder fighting Meliodas but that quickly changed when Arthur was beaten. Now Hendrickson, Gilthunder, and the mage were fighting Meliodas and for some reason he wasn't fighting back. But there was also something else strange. A top the tower was Princess Margaret and she just jumped off tower but at the same time the three Holy Knights sent a combination attack at Meliodas. He had to mane a choice save the Princess or save himself and in the end he chose to cut down the beast which haunted the princess all this time. At the same time Merlin made the spell threatening Meliodas disappear but Hendrickson didn't give up. As Meliodas was falling to the ground, he attacked but was stopped when Gilthunder cut off his arm. While (y/n) went to save the falling Princess in her arms and put her safely on the ground. From there Gilthunder handled Hendrickson with ease, constantly attacking him until finally sending him flying away.
"Hey Meliodas!" (Y/n) smiled.
"(Y/n) you're safe. That's a relief." Meliodas went to grope her but was totally beat by the King of Camelot, Arthur.
"It's so good to see you again (y/n)! It's been a while."
"Hey Arthur. I'be missed you as well."

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