Chapter 9

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3rd POV

The next morning (y/n) woke up in two peoples arms. The first pair held her to Ban's chest from behind and was wrapped around her hips, the other was pair was wrapping around her waist while King held her close to himself.
"How did this happen?" (Y/n) asked herself. "Hey wake up." She gently shook King and slowly we awoke from his slumber. He blinked his eyes a few times before realizing the position he was in. Quickly he flew off the bed with a blushing face and shaking his hands in front of his face.
"I'm so sorry (y/n)!! I didn't mean to do anything I swear!"
"It's alright." She giggled at his antics. "Now all that's left is to get him up." She tried pushing him away but his grip on her only loosened.
"I'm not letting you go, I'm going to eat you." Ban said in his sleep. Suddenly the tips of his fingers found their way under the back of (y/n)'s short. She jumped a little feeling his cold fingers on her bare back. "Wake up!!!"
"It's morning already."
"Let go of (y/n) Ban!!"
"Go away little boy and let the adults have some fun." Ban stated shooing King away with a hand.
"Ban." (Y/n) said slowly and menacingly. "Let go!!!" In a second Ban's entire body was lite aflame giving her the chance to escape from his grasp. Once she was a safe distance away she made the fire disappear. "Next time listen to me!" (Y/n) huffed and stormed off down the stairs. Down there she met Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawk.
"Morning (y/n)." Elizabeth greeted.
"Ban didn't try anything again did her?" Meliodas asked.
"I handled him fine. So who's going into town."
"I am." Elizabeth said.
"Well while you're out there buy some sheets. I burned ours.
"Of course." Elizabeth grabbed a purple sash and wrapped it around herself to try and conceal her identity. "Well I'm off."
"Bye!" (Y/n) waved. A couple seconds later, Ban and King appeared coming down the stairs.
"Ban! King! Whoever catches the best quarry wins!" Meliodas said. In a second Ban was filled with excitement and energy.
"No way am I gonna lose."
"Huh? Captain, come to think of it, where's your weapon? You're gonna hunt bare-handed?" King asked.
"Oh, hey, I'll figure it out somehow."
"See you losers, victory is mine!"
"(Y/n) mind watching the bar?" Meliodas asked already jumping away.
"Sure!" The first thing (y/n) did was change her clothes. Luckily for her, in the last small village they passed by she was able to find something that suited her style. It was a white and orange dress with short puffy sleeve on her arm instead of her shoulder and a white chocker. (Everything in the pic except for the metal plate access her chest and those weird angel-like things.)

While everyone was away (y/n) took care of the Boar Hat as best as she could meanwhile Diane continued to sleep outside

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While everyone was away (y/n) took care of the Boar Hat as best as she could meanwhile Diane continued to sleep outside. She cleaned the counter, dried the cups, organized the ale, and sweeped the place till it was spotless. The entire day was spent cleaning but when she looked outside she noticed that the Sunny day was now covered with clouds and rain and not to far away she sensed something. A battle occurring between Holy Knight and three of the sins but she sensed another powerful source of magic that wasn't from either of those group; however, she had no idea what that was so she decided to wait and find out when they return.
"Hey (y/n) has the Captain returned?" Diane asked.
"No not yet!" She yelled from inside the bar.
"I'll be right outside with you in a minute Diane, alright."
(Y/n) walked to the bar to put away the broom and to remove the hair tie to allow her (h/l), (h/c) hair to flow freely. "They sure are late." (Y/n) said to herself and then she heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, sorry, are you open! For some reason, every other place seems to be closed, see..." Quickly (y/n) ran to the door and greeted the man with a smile. He was a short old man with grey hair and a long beard and mustache.
"Mr.Cain?!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "You fought Meliodas in Vaizel. You seemed to know each other from what I could tell."
"It can't be.... is this a dream?" Cain asked in disbelief as his eyes began to fill in tears. (Y/n) was shocked considering she never actually met him personally so she brought him inside to explain. Questions kept popping in her head. How did he know her? And why was he crying?
She brought me to the bar chair and poured him a mug of ale.
"Here you go."
"I'm sorry about troubling you."
"It's alright. I don't mind."
"Still you really startled me when I saw you. That lovely face, that soft voice... you look so much like her. I actually thought you were her but since you don't remember me that you must be someone else. After all it's impossible for her to be here now since she dies so long ago. If that girl were still alive, she'd be a woman in her prime by now."
"Was she your daughter Mr.Cain?" (Y/n) asked and he shook his head now.
"(Y/n). That was her name. She was a special girl I can tell you that much. She brought happiness to our little village like never before. I don't know if you know this but she was Meliodas's girlfriend."
"She was? He never mentioned her before."
"Well she wasn't her girlfriend per say but they almost acted like one. He cared for her more then anything. They looked like the perfect couple. When she walked into his life Meliodas never looked happier. She was a lively and spirited girl. Anyone man would be lucky to have her. Everyone in the town knew who she was. She wasn't a knight or anything like that but she had a strong will, no doubt about it. She wasn't afraid to tell people off no matter who they were or what power they wielded and that included Meliodas. They met one day by coincidence when (y/n) was passing. Apparently they had history together but I didn't know that part. He ended up convincing her stay in Danafor so she ended up living with him. Perhaps you would call it fate that those two met again. She worked at bar kind of like this one. The rest of us opened up to her and treated her like a part of the family. I was really hoping to one day see those two get married but that was all in a distant past."
"I never knew Meliodas cared for someone like that before."
"Do you care for him as well?"
"Well he is my friend. But he's also special to me because... his face was my first memory when I woke up."
"You want him to live don't you?"
"Of course. But he's reckless and too kind for his own good."
"Here." Cain said taking a dagger out of his pocket.
"What's that?"
"It's something (y/n) once gave to Meliodas as a gift. And so I've been keeping it for him all this time."
"Thank you Cain." (Y/n) smiled. Then both of them sensed an unbelievable amount of magic power emanating from the forest. (Y/n) ran out towards the source of the power which led her to a giant beast fighting against the sins. "Meliodas!!!"
"I think you'll need a weapon. Here!" (Y/n) yelled throwing the dagger in the air. Meliodas eyes went wide in shock seeing that weapon and memories with the person her cared for flowed through his mind. "Look Meliodas, I know you don't like to kill people. I understand that but she didn't give you that sword to kill, it's so you could protect yourself, to live!! So take that weapon or I'll beat that demon myself!!!"
That was all the motivation he needed. Without hesitation Meliodas jumped in the air and unsheathed the dagger. In a second he was back on the ground and the demon was cut to pieces.

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