Chapter 30

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3rd POV

"This is where the Druid warriors train themselves, the Cave of Training."
"Hey, Jenna. What are you planning to make us do?" King asked.
"Rigorous training, what else?"
"Rigorous training? I have to become even stronger her than I already am?" Hawk asked confidently.
"Yes, Hawk. Believe it or not you have to train." (Y/n) said.
"You guys are way to fragile to fight the legendary Ten Commandments of the Demon Race!!"
"Are you calling me fragile?" Hawk asked.
"You have to get into fighting shape and protect this world or there will be trouble!" Jenna yelled. "By the way, another group arrived just before you. I hear they're acquaintances of yours."
"You think it might be Ban?" Hawk thought.
"No, she said group, so maybe Guila and Jericho?" King thought.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you." A voice said.
"But that's...." walking up the the group, completely covered in scratches was formed Grandmaster Hendrickson.
"What's they? You already came out, Hendy?"
"Hendrickson!" King said turning his Chastiefol into small daggers. "How are you still alive?" He asked but Hendrickson passed out before answering.
"Oh man. What a pathetic little boy. I know why you people have a grudge against this boy, but since he's back to normal now, won't you put aside your anger for my sake?"
"Look! There's still something..." Arthur pointed. Behind Hendrickson, was what looked to be three tattered rags from afar but up close it was actually Griamore, Howzer, and Gilthunder.
"Oh no! They don't look alright!" (Y/n) said bending down a little to use her magic to heal the trio.
"Ouch. I could've sword we were inside the Cave if Trials just a moment ago." Gilthunder said and the turned around to face them. "When did you all drive in Istar?"
"You guys sure were badly injured." (Y/n) said.
"But we're all better now, how did that happen?" Gilthunder asked.
"Oh that was me. I healed you guys so you should be better now."
"Thank you, (y/n)." Howzer said.
"It was nothing." She smiled meanwhile King was trying to challenge Hendrickson go a fight into Jenna stopped them.
"All right, everyone, time for rigorous training!"
"To be honest, I'm not really in the room right now." King said.
"Well, then, fine. Although I doubt the Ten Commandments care whether you're in a mood or not." Jenna began. "All right, everyone who wished to train head to the entrance. Oh and don't forget to remove all your equipment. The best way to feel and draw out the latent power wonton you is to strip down, after all."
"All equipment..." Gowther began taking off his close. "Disabled."
"I never said remove your pants. That said, only the bare minimum is necessary. Everybody, take in if these." She said while holding a wooden staff. "It's just ash staff protected by magical power, but it's durability is guaranteed. Is everybody ready?"
"Umm, no." (Y/n) said turned everyone's attention to her. "You don't expect me to strip, do you?" All the guys blushed simply at the thought of seeing (y/n) strip down.
"Well if it was to be done. Then it must." Howzer blushed trying to act normal.
"Sh-she can't!" King yelled with a nosebleed.
"It doesn't seem right." Gilthunder said and Arthur nodded his head yes.
"I guess you're right. You can just go in like that I guess." Jenna said causing everyone to sigh in relief except for Howzer.
"Allow me to help." With a snap of Merlin's finger, (y/n) was in a new outfit. She was now in a short white jacket and purple shorts with two white stripes on the side.

 She was now in a short white jacket and purple shorts with two white stripes on the side

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"Well, is everyone ready now?" Jenna asked and waited a moment to hear an rejections. "Now, then, step inside!"
"All right, you guys, just follow me! Don't get lost!!" Hawk said confidently. When entering the cave, it became so dark that no one could see until a large group of gems appeared separating everyone into different groups. (Y/n) ended up paired with Gowther and Arthur.
"Wow! I feel so lucky to be paired up with you! I can't believe I get to fight by your side, (y/n)."
"Yeah. I'm excited..." (y/n) began until she realized she was no longer in the cave but outside in front of Jenna, Meliodas, King, and Merlin. "...too." She said slowly. "What happened? Why am I back here?"
"We have a change of plans for you." Jenna said.
"You do? What is it?"
"You need to get you're power back." Meliodas said.
"My power?" She repeated. "What are you talking about? I have my powers."
"It'll all make sense soon, hopefully. Go into the cave over there." Jenna pointed. "Zaneri should help you out.
"Alright." (Y/n) said still a little confused but she left anyway. She went inside the dark cave where she saw Elizabeth holding a vase filled with dirt and Zaneri. "Jenna said you would help me. So can you? Whatever this is?"
"So they're actually doing it. I knew they would. If they want to stand a change against the Commandments, they'll need your strength."
"What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked truly confused. She had no idea what was going on or even what they were talking about. Before she knew it, Zaneri was glowing so bright she had to look away.
"You will have to get your memory back before starting the trial."
"My memories! You've had them all this time!! Why? Why would you take them?" (Y/n) kept yelling questions until suddenly, memories flashed through her mind and she fell quiet. Tears gathered in her eyes as she fell down on her knees staring at her hands.
"I remember... I remember everything..."
"Good. Then it's time to start you're trial."

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