Chapter 22

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3rd POV

Everyone had gathered for the biggest fighting festival Liones had seen in years. It was a battle for Sin of Greed, Ban against Sin of Rage Meliodas.
"Been waiting for you, slowpoke." King said resting against his pillow alongside (y/n).
"This is kind of exiting!" (Y/n) said.
"I just love a good festival." Diane cheered.
"These feeling, I don't know what to do. I have the chills." Gilthunder said.
"Oh yeah, that's right you missed the last fighting festival, didn't you?" Howzer asked.
"Hey there, Ban. Long time, no see."
"Damn it, Captain!! Just what in the heel is going on here?!" Ban yelled. "What's with all these freakin spectators?!"
"Don't ask me. I don't know. By the time I got out here, they were already gathering and getting hyped up."
"How in the world could they-." Ban cut himself off when he realized he told. "Hey, master!!!"
"Is this your doing? You were listening in on my conversation with the captain weren't you?!"
"Sure. It's a fight, after all." Hawk admitted. "What could be better than having an audience cheering you on?"
"How dare you try and turn my fight into some kind of damn festival."
"Sir Ban, I beg you, please don't be hard on Hawk. When he heard you two discussing it, he asked all of us to come and watch. Be sure to Hawk and the rest of us, you and Meliodas are so dear, we couldn't bear it if anything happened to you." Elizabeth explained.
"Elizabeth. At this point, there's no need to spell it out for him, you know?"
"Fox Sin of Greed Ban, have you forgotten?" Merlin asked. "As it clearly states in The Seven Deadly Sins' Seven, Article Six, any fight to the death between fellow Sins must be stopped by the other sins working in concert. In other words, if you and the captain here are planning to fight to the death for real... then the four of us will have to use al our might to stop you."
"So it's like that, huh? Hey Merlin, I dare you to say that again."
"We'll stop you."
"Sounds like fun." Ban began. "But right now, my only business is with the captain, so you gawkers can shut up and back off. You could have saved all the fuss. I'm not planning on fighting to the death. Seven Deadly Sins', Seven Codes, Article Five."
Any bad blood existing between fellow sins must be settled through a fight." Merlin explained. "Very well, then. Now we won't do anything uncivilized."
"Wow, who knew we had a code like that?" Meliodas said.
"You were the one who thought it up, Captain!!!" King yelled.
"In that case if you're going to fight then do it no-holds-barred. Perfect Cube."
"Awesome! This thing is amazing!" Meliodas complemented.
"Ha! Now you can both brawl to your heart's content without having to worry about collateral damage. Not to mention, we can sit back and watch with no fear."
"This is so exciting! Give it all you got guys! I want to see a good fight!" (Y/n) cheered.
"Oh and I forgot one more thing." Merlin spoke up drawing everyone's attention to her. "Since this is already like a festival we may as well add a prize."
"A prize?" Meliodas repeated.
"I don't want anything from you Merlin."
"The winner will be able to make (y/n) do one things." Those few words drew both the guys interests.
"Excuse you!? Merlin!! You can't say that for me! I completely disagree with this. I won't allow it!" (Y/n) yelled.
"I don't think you're in a position to disagree after all you do owe me for saving you from that cell, remember." Merlin smirked.
"Merlin, sometimes you're just evil."
"So (y/n), are you agreeing to my plan?" Merlin asked. There was a long silence before (y/n) sighed in defeat.
"You heard that, right boys."
"Come on Captain, bring it on!" Ban smirked.
"All righty, but I'm not holding back, okay." In a second Meliodas disappeared and reappeared in front of Ban. Ban tried slicing him with his arm but Meliodas dodged by jumping into the air which was the followed by a punch which Ban dodged. Both sins attacked each other which punches kicks seemingly to he at the same strength. They punched each other at the same time hit Meliodas was sent crashing against the wall but at the same time Meliodas was able to land a hit on Ban which cause blood to spill from his mouth. The crowd cheered in amazement by there strength. Everyone was so hyped up.
"What's with the fooling around you two?" King asked.
"He's right! If you're gonna settle then score, you might as well go at each other like there's no tomorrow!!" Diane yelled while (y/n) simply yawned.
"From what I can tell, they're only fighting at 13 percent of their total strength." Gowther analyzed.
"I should probably stretch a little or I'll end up getting hurt, you know?" Meliodas said. "Oh, one more thing. This fight is just between Ban and me got it. If you make too much of a ruckus and distract us, I'm gonna knock all of you into next week! That said, (y/n) is the one exception to the rule."
"Root for me like there's no tomorrow okay?"
"You should really pay attention." (Y/n) said calmly. Before he knew it, Meliodas was being pummeled by punches thanks to Ban. Meliodas was able to stop him thought by grabbing his ankle and spinning him around his multiple times before slamming up the walls so we went around and landed on the ground being him. But of course, Ban wasn't giving up anytime soon.
"Elizabeth, don't worry." (Y/n) smiled noticing how sad she looked. "The sins and I won't allow them to kill one another, alright." She said reassuringly grabbing Elizabeth's hand.
"(Y/n)!" Howzer called but she didn't hear, instead King did so he floating over in between Howzer and (y/n). Howzer walked around him but King just blocked his way again. This time Howzer created a small gust of wind which flew him up in the air. Before Howzer could walk forward Chastiefol appeared blocking his way in its bear form and everytime he tried walking around it, the bear would just move to block his mouth.
"Why you little punk!" Howzer yelled flying the bear in the air so it hit King while he smiled in satisfaction.
"Hey, you better cut that out!" King yelled holding his collar.
"No you cut it out!!!"
"Howzer, what are you doing?" Griamore asked.
"Guys take it easy!" Gilthunder said.
"Now simmer down, you two. You're acting like a couple of lovesick pups." Hawk said.
"What did you say?" Howzer asked.
"So how about it? You two should take this opportunity and settle the score by fighting each other fair and square."
"Yeah. You can count me in." King said.
"Same here." Howzer said pushing away from King.
"Over here! We got the Seven Deadly Sins King versus's the Holy Knight Howzer!"
"Are you serious?"
"Oh, man. A fight against King. Damnit! I'm so jealous of Howzer." Gilthunder said.
"Huh? What's going on over there?" (Y/n) asked.
"Hmm. What are those guys up to?" Meliodas asked.
"What the hell are you looking at?! Fight me!!!" Ban went to punch Meliodas but he simply dodged it. It was quiet before they both started to attack each other with punches so fast a normal person couldn't see it. Meanwhile Howzer and King were ready to start their own battle until Hawk declared no weapons allowed.
"A fist fight will be fine with me. All right, now let's get going!"
"Umm King... I don't think you should do that." (Y/n) said a little worried.
"Now, Dancing Fairy!!!" King jumped into the air and ran to attack but all Howzer had to do to stop him was stick his hand out. "Well done. You really are a Holy Knight! Such immense power." Howzer simply flicked King's head and the fight was over.
"King! Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "Do you need some help?" She asked offering her arm to help him up while Howzer cried in confusion.
Meanwhile, the fight between Meliodas and Ban was only intensifing. Ban's blood was splattered against the wall but he remained fine.
"What do you say Ban? Are you done?" Meliodas asked.
"The festival's just getting started. Hunter Fest!!"
"What is he up to know?" King asked.
"He's gonna steal the captain's power again!" Diane yelled while next to her Merlin giggled and disappeared. All of a sudden everyone in the vicinity fell onto their knees weak accept for (y/n).
"What's going on?" Meliodas asked.
"It feels like all the strength in my body is disappearing." Elizabeth said weakly.
"Nice one. So you had an ace in the hole. Why didn't you take my powers?"
"Give me a break. Even if I did, you still have your own ace in the hole, don't you? Besides, honestly, those people were really starting to get on my last nerve. Show me that secret last resort you've got tucked away, Captain."
"Guess I have no choice." Meliodas said revealing his demonic half. "You want it, you got it." Ban kicked Meliodas which was then followed by multiple punches against the wall. Finally Meliodas was able to break free with a headbutt but Ban quickly grabbed his face like it was nothing. Meliodas then hugged his arms and twisted his body around, ripping it off and then slapping him with it.
"Fox Hunt!" This time Ban reconnected his arm back to his body while Meliodas still held onto it. "Gotta say, nothing compares to battling it out with you, Captain."
"Yeah. Right back at you." They smiled at each before attacking one another with rounds of punches which picked up dust in the arena. The fight finally ended with the Perfect Cube disappearing leaving only a cloud of smoke.
"Man, I'm wiped out." Ban said tiredly laying on his back. "Hey, Captain, you alive or what?"
"Yeah, just barely." Meliodas answered in the same position as Ban. "Whew! Now that was rough. So what about you Ban? How are you holding up? Heh, i mean I know your not dead."
"Yeah, but I'm so drained, I won't be moving anytime soon."
"Looks like we'll have to settle the score another time, huh?
"Mhm, looks like it."
"Well would you look at that." (Y/n) said leaning over the two bodies.
"Hey (y/n), I won right so that means you have to do what I say. Tomorrow I want a free groping day without you attacking me."
"No way Captain. I won."
"Actually you're both wrong."
"You guys both lost so that means no one wins. Guess you'll have to try another time." (Y/n) winked before walking away.
"Guess she got us." Meliodas smiled.
"Guess so."

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