Chapter 12

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3rd POV

At the bottom of the castle, inside a dungeon is where where (y/n) was being kept, separate from Elizabeth and Hawk. Of course she tried to break out but her cell was covered in a spell that even she couldn't break, Perfect Cube. She stood in boredom until suddenly hearing the loud sound of Hawk followed by the sweet sound of Elizabeth.
"Elizabeth!" (Y/n) called.
"(Y/n)! They got you too. We have to get you out of here."
"Don't worry! Stand back! I got this." Hawk said confidently. He moved back a few steps before charging at the door and attacking it with a head but.
"That won't work." (Y/n) said. "I'm inside a spell. Even I can't break it."
"We can't leave you here though."
"Don't worry it's alright. Go, Elizabeth."
"I'm sure I'll get out of here soon. I can already sense her power." (Y/n) said with a smirk. "Someone else has come out to play."

Meanwhile, the sins were still fighting against a large group of Holy Knights. Even without using their magic, the Holy Knights still didn't stand a chance against the sins.
"Damn they don't give up." Ban said.
"Guess we'll have to wipe them all out.
"There's a more efficient way to handle this." Gowther said. "Sacred Treasure, Double Bow Harlit!!!"
"Seriously?!" Meliodas exclaimed.
"Where the hell was he hiding that?" Gowther pulled the bow back allowing his magic to gather.
"Now, Rewrite Light!!" Multiple arrows flew in the sky, hitting every Holy Knight that stood in there path. When the arrows disappeared the Holy Knights all dropped their weapons and attacked the sins with hugs and greetings. With that, they were easily able to sneak into the palace avoiding any more fights by keeping a low profile.
"All right. We managed to get into the capital, but... what are we gonna do now?" Meliodas asked.
"We can't just recklessly start battling in the city." Gowther answered.
"Man, that's gonna be a drag itself."
"With all these Holy Knights around, it's not gonna be easy to search for traces of Elizabeth and (y/n)."
"Hey, let's head to the castle." Ban suggested. "You know how in fairy tales, the princess is always locked up in an underground dungeon in the castle?"
"Don't you mean the top of a tower?"

Meanwhile, down below, in Hendrickson's magical research lab, the Giant, Diane has just made her appearance in the battle facing off with Guila, Gilthunder, Jericho, Howzer, and Dreyfus.
"Is been a while, Deadly Sin. What would a heinous criminal driven from the country, be doing here?" Dreyfus asked.
"Where's (y/n) and Elizabeth?"
"What are you talking about?" Dreyfus asked.
"Give them back to me right now!!"
"You don't seem to realize the predicament you're in." Gilthunder said.
"I'll do it. An upper-level Holy Knight shouldn't have to bother making a move against an immobile Giant!" Jericho interrupted. She jumped into the air and pulled her sword out. "Godspeed Bone Cutter!!!" Before her attack hit Diane, a strong gust of energy pushed her back and half the building was blow away to pieces.
"Thunderbolt Execution!" A large stream of lightening hit Diane head on and that was then followed by Howzer's Rising Tornado. A large dark tornado covered with lightening, sent Diane flying the air while Helbram attacked with sharp icicles which cut Diane's clothes and skin.
"Don't underestimate... the Giant race."
"Huh? Did you say something?" Helbram teased. "I could have sworn you said something about never underestimating they Giant race." Before he knew it, he was flying in the air due to Diane's Ground Gladius and she landed back safely on the ground. Diane attacked with Ground Gladius again but Dreyfus was able to stop it by using his sword and then he counter attacked by sending a piercing attack which cut pierced Diane's breast.
"Helbram, is the Princess and the Demon Princess in Liones right now?"
"Who knows? The Giant girl must be mistaken, no?"
"It was one of your comrades who took (y/n) and Elizabeth." Diane said weakly trying to stand. "All of a sudden, he showed up before us... snatched them up, and disappeared."
"Is she immoral or something?" Helbram asked.
"Giants are a lot tougher than you think." Diane ran forward to attack but we stopped when Dreyfus attacked again.
"Silken Skewer." A bright light similar to the one from before pierced Diane's leg making her fall forward. "Demolishing attack!!!" This time Diane was blown away and into the capital city. Dreyfus then followed with an announcement that could be heard throughout the city and called on the people to fight the sins. Despite Diane's injuries, she stood up and walked away ignoring the calls and attacks by the people. As she was waking sudden attacks, not be Diane, caused part of the city to be destroyed.
"Where that attack come from?" Guila asked.
"The giant, destroying the village as she roams the city. What a stunning visual." Helbram said.
"Wait, aren't you the one doing all the destroying, Sir Helbram?" Jericho asked.
"Under these dire circumstances, no matter what I do, the Jalene will fall on no one but Diane! It's called staging."
"Who on earth are you doing?" Guila asked grabbing Helbram by his cloak.
"I just told you. Now that we have a villain it won't do for her not to wreak havoc. To establish knights as the embodiment of justice, villains are a must. Consummate villains like the Seven Deadly sins, at that!"
"Then what about the reports on the Seven Deadly Sins and Demon Princess plotting to take over the kingdom? Are those lies, as well?"
"Guila, who cares about any of that?" Guila asked without a care in the world. "Forget that, and let's go after Diane's head together! If we do that..."
"Jericho, what did you drink the demon's blood for?" Guila asked.
"Sister!!" A voice of a small child called. "Sister Guila?" The little boy ran towards his sister in a hurry.
"Stay away from here!" Guila warned. When the little boy made it past the alley way a large piece of a building was cut off by Helbram and was going to crush the little boy. "ZEAL!!!!!!!" Before he was hit Diane used her body to protect the little boy.
"Looks like it's all over now." Dreyfus said walking to Diane followed by Gilthunder and Howzer.
"Grand Master Dreyfus. Please... could you entrust me, Jericho with the task of taking Diane's head?"
"Very well."
"And when I do, promote me to an upper-level..." she cut herself off when she saw Howzer walk past and stand in front of Diane defensively.
"What do you think you're doing Howzer?"
"Years ago, you told me this, remember? Only use your own power when you yourself feel its right. Well, not is that time!"
"You're going to take us all on by yourself?"
"No." Guila interrupted. "The two of us will."

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