Chapter 21

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3rd POV

"Ah, my head. Too much booze. I think I'm going to die." Gilthunder groaned in pain with his head laying on the table.
"Oh wow. I do not feel good." Diane said laying on King's pillow.
"What? No way. I can knock back at least ten more." Howzer mumbled in his sleep past out with bottles on the floor.
"Don't run away marshmallow." (Y/n) mumbled in her sleep hugging Howzer even tighter which was then followed by biting his neck. "You taste so good..."
"Sir Meliodas, are you awake?" Elizabeth asked opening the tavern door.
"Hey Elizabeth. I've been up for a while now. I was busy making a whole new food item. Take a look at this." He said proudly holding a plate with a piece of meat resembling Hawk. "It's a meat pie that looks exactly like a roasted pig. And you know the best part. There's not pork in this thing. It's entirely made up of leftovers and vegetable scraps. I'm a genius, aren't I?"
"Well, visually, I'd say it's a bit, uh... "
"Isn't that really just plain scarps?" Hawk asked safely on Elizabeth's shoulder.
"You wanna try it?"
"Oh, I've already had breakfast." Elizabeth replied nervously.
"Yeah, eat it yourself!"
"Aww. So you won't eat it, either Hawk?"
"I have Ban's yummy food to look forward to."
"Where is he?"
"Lil Gil, Howzer. Wake up. I got something for you." Meliodas called and slowly both guys woke up groaning.
"What a headache! Ah, man." Howzer yawn and then opened his eyes. He looked down seeing (y/n)'s sleeping form holding onto him with one leg on top of his and her biting his neck.
"Yummy marshmallow...." she mumbled in her sleep and in an instant Howzer's face turned beet red.
"Howzer. I'm feeling good today so I'm going to be nice and give you ten seconds to come up here and eat, okay?" Meliodas smiled but Howzer still felt completely terrified. He quickly removed (y/n) arms from around him so she laid on her back. Meliodas held three forks plus a knife and in an instant he cut it to three pieces. "Eat up." The took a bite at the same time and all felt sick together.
"That wasn't the flavor I was hoping for." Meliodas said wiping his mouth.
"Your cooking always sucks!" Hawk yelled.
"Hey, Howzer, you seem to have taken a liking to it." Meliodas said considering he was the only one who didn't spit it out but he also wasn't moving. "He didn't in mid bite."
"How gross was that stuff?" Hawk asked.
"What's going on? Why is it so loud?" (Y/n) asked in a soft voice sitting up and rubbing her eyes with her hands. "Is everything okay?" She asked opening her bright (y/n) eyes fully. In an instant Howzer was back to life and blushing red. He stared at (y/n)'s form as she slowly awoke from her slumber finding it be the cutest thing. Her (e/c) seems to shine under the sun's light and her (h/l), (h/c) hair was only a little messy but they just adding to her cuteness when a strand would fall forward.
"Howzer, you're back!!" Elizabeth exclaimed.
"Wonder what I did to make it taste so awful." Meliodas said in thought.
"The same thing you always do!"
"I get it! It's won't be any good unless I use real pork for the roast pig!"
"You have got be kidding me!" Hawk shrieked jumping down from Elizabeth and making a run for it.
"Hawk, wait! It's dangerous out there!"
"Huh? Oh, well, he'll be back soon enough." Meliodas said calmly. They waited for a bit but he still wasn't back. "Still not back yet. Wow, he really did get out of dodge, didn't he?"
"Oh no! If something awful were to happen to him at that size..." Elizabeth began to freak out imagining the worst possible situations.
"All right."
"So what'd you say?" A sleepy King asked.
"Hawk's missing?" Diane asked.
"Staring now, we're gonna search for Hawk together!! As your captain that's an order."
"But shouldn't be the one to go and look for him, Captain?" King asked.
"Yeah, plus you aren't my captain." (Y/n) said.
"I'm still so sleepy." Diane said tiredly.
"No way. Diane's all snuggled up and asleep on my Chastiefol."
"Hmm. Hey, I think I've got it! Okay, whoever can capture Hawk first can ask me to do anything they want for a whole day."
"What? Sounds good I'll do it!" Diane perked up.
"Then count me in too!" King said.
"I'll participate as well." Gilthunder said.
"This I have to win. I'll help as well." (Y/n) offered.
"Me too then!" Howzer added.
"Then it's seeing! Let's go!" Meliodas yelled pumping his fist in the air. "Time for operation Snag Piglet."

Before they knew it everyone was separated into their own groups. One was Diane and King, one was Elizabeth and Gilthunder, and another was (y/n), Meliodas, and Howzer.
"Hawk!! Hawk! Come out!" (Y/n) called.
"Come on Hawk! Come out already!" Meliodas yelled.
"Where would a little big like him even go?" Howzer asked.
"Who knows. Maybe he's looking for scraps." (Y/n) thought."
"Maybe. That sounds like him."
"So (y/n), what will you ask Meliodas to do if you win." Howzer asked.
"Howzer, look! Behind you!" Meliodas yelled putting his face in between her legs and groping her butt. Howzer turned around and indeed that's where Hawk was. As Howzer tried grabbing Hawk, (y/n)'s with the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins only grew. Especially when he suddenly picked her up and ran with her knees on his shoulders. Howzer tried to grab Hawk again but was attacked by Hawk allowing him to escape.
"Howzer, what happened? What are you doing?"
"Meliodas." (Y/n) said with venom spilling out with every word.
"Oh, I forgot about you." He put her back down on the floor but that didn't quench he anger. She was still very mad and Meliodas knew it. "Just one day..." she began quietly. "I need one day without you constantly touching me!!!!" (Y/n) yelled before punching him into the ground and storming off.

The group ended up finding Hawk but they weren't the only ones. Howzer tried to take Hawk using his tornado but that was cancelled due to Gilthunder's lightening.
"He's getting away." Meliodas said calmly.
"No way I'm letting you get away Hawk. Sorry but I'm taking you." (Y/n) said standing in his way. Before she could grab him, Hawk went to the one place she never expected, under he clothes. He jumped up from her loose shorts and made his way up. "What the?! Hawk? Hey, stop! Get out!" She blushed furiously.
"I'll help!" Meliodas declared hugging onto (y/n)'s body and groping her boobs although Hawk just hopped away.
"He's not even there anymore!!!" (Y/n) yelled created a pillar of fire around her. "Let go!!!!"


"So yummy!!!" Everyone watched in disbelief as Hawk was finally found inside the tavern and consuming some food.
"Well, hey, Captain. Late getting home, huh?" Ban said.
"Hawk you came back?" Elizabeth asked.
"Nothing beast the scraps Ban makes. They're amazing."
"So after all that running around, you came back here on your own?" Meliodas asked.
"You don't really think a nose like mine would miss out on this heavenly aroma, do you?"
"And this would mean I'm the winner of your little contest. Isn't that right?" Ban asked.
"Look. I got him. I'm the winner." Meliodas said holding Hawk.
"Huh?" Bam gasped.
"Remember? I said whoever captures him first wins."
"After all we went through!!" Howzer yelled.
"That is a technicality!!" Ban said.
"Captain, that's not fair!" Diane yelled.
"I really wanted to win." (Y/n) sighed.
"I had no idea that you'd joined the contest too, Ban." King said.
"Hey, what was it that you wanted the captain to do for you, anyway?" Diane asked. "It was it more like something you wanted to do?"
"Hmm. What does it matter, anyway?" Ban asked sipping some booze. "The captain just cheated his way to a win."
"Cheated? Don't like the sound of that."
"Well you did!" Ban accused.
"No I didn't."

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