Chapter 32

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3rd POV

"It looks like you made it back." Zaneri said but (y/n) didn't even bother to answer. In a second she was running out the dark cave and back into the training area. There she saw Meliodas along with everyone else, outside the cave but she didn't stop for a second.
"Meliodas!!!" She yelled before tackling him in a surprising hug. They both fell on the ground but (y/n) didn't care. Her happiness was too much. She stared at Meliodas' emerald green eyes and he stared in her (e/c) ones knowing that she remembered everything. She was back, and he couldn't be happier. "I remember!!"

Flashback 3000 years ago

Meliodas walked through the forest with no destination in particular until he stumbled upon a giant hole in the ground. It was so deep he couldn't see the end of it. Just from standing their he could feel the large amounts of energy being emitted from it. In the center of the hold was a pillar holding up an unconscious girl. Meliodas quickly made his wings appear and flew to the pillar. When he landed on it some pieces of earth fell down. He stared at the girl curiously. She was alive, that much he could tell but he didn't know what happened. Despite her young age he quickly understand that she was the one to cause this. But how someone so young had such power and why she did that was unclear. Meliodas picked the girl up bridal style and flew her away.


Days have passed since Meliodas found the girl. He didn't know her name, her age, or even her race but he took care of her either way. Ever since finding her, he remained in the forest waiting for her to awake. He didn't leave her alone, for fear that someone might try and do something. Suddenly the mysterious girl finally began to wake up.
"Where am I? What happened?" She asked weakly. Slowly everything began to hit her like a wave. Tears began to form in her eyes. "Mommy... daddy..."
"Don't cry." (Y/n) head turned to face Meliodas.
"Who are you? Are you going to kill me? If you do just go ahead. I don't care anymore. If I die at least I'll be with mommy and daddy again." Meliodas was shocked to hear a little girl say something like that. She has no purpose. No reason to live anymore. For some reason Meliodas felt a need to help her. He suddenly ran off somewhere leaving (y/n) alone for a moment before returning with a bunny.
"Here. This should cheer you up." He put the bunny on her lap. It nuzzled it's nose against her legs making her giggle and a small smile began to form on her lips. "Cute isn't it?"
"Yeah!" (Y/n) said happily playing with the bunny.
"You're much cuter when you smile so no more tears, okay?" Meliodas said putting his hand on her head.


"Meliodas. Look at this bird. Isn't it adorable!" (Y/n) said happily referring to the bird perched on her finger. Then the bird flew away and her smile disappeared.
"What's wrong?"
"I haven't flown in forever. I miss it."
"Then why don't you."
"Because I'm scared. Mommy and daddy said it was dangerous and that people were out to get us. What if I fly again and those had people find me?"
"Then I'll fly with you."
"But they'll hurt you too."
"No they won't. I'm super strong. No one will be able to hurt me."
"I'll protect you. I always will." He said while patting her head.
"Okay! Let's go!!" (Y/n) sprouted two pairs of wings and flew into the air with Meliodas following behind her. They soared through the air with a smile the entire time. (Y/n) giggled to herself as her fingers went right through the clouds. For hours they flew in the sky until eventually landing on a tall tree branch to watch the sunset. "Meliodas, you said you'd always be by my side right?"
"Yeah, of course I will."
"Then that's a promise. A pinky promise which means you can't break it." (Y/n) said holding her pinky out.
"Okay. It's a pink promise." He smiled linking his pinky with hers. (Y/n) beamed with happiness in that moment knowing that no matter what happened she'll at least have Meliodas by her side.
"Meliodas! When I'm all grown up like you I'm going to marry you!"
"Are you sure about that? I won't ever let you go and I'll always touch you."
"I don't care. You're the only person I care about. Only you can touch me!"


It was another normal day for the duo. (__) was playing with the flowers making a little gift for her protector.
"Whatcha' you making?" Meliodas asked.
"It's a gift for you. Do you like it?" (__) asked holding a flower crown up to him.
"For me? Why?"
"Because you've always been here for me. All this time. You protected me, so I wanna give you something."
"That sounds like a love confession." Meliodas smirked.
"It's not a confession!" She blushed. "Just take it."
"You're so cute when you blush, my little (y/n)." He teased.
"Don't tease me!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Meliodas just laughed until suddenly he just stopped and his face was more stern. "What's wrong Meliodas?"
"Nothing. I'm going to have to leave for a little bit, but I'll find you."
"Why do you have to leave?"
"It's only for a little bit. I'll be back soon." Meliodas smiled petting her head.
"You're going to come back right?"
"Yup. I can't leave you alone for too long, you'll miss me too much."
"I never said that."
"But weren't you the one that said that I'm the only one that can touch you?"
"Ahhh!!!" (Y/n) yelled blushing. "Just go already!!" She yelled punching him lightly on the chest."
"Can I get a goodbye kiss?"

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