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My ex is annoying as hell when I'm not on my rags >.> like he messaged me yesterday and my friend though was "wtf does he want" it's so funny like shouldn't I be extra mad at him on my rags? But no I'm like fully in love with him ahaha I do still like him that way but that'll pass
So once I get my reflection letter ima post it on here
My name is Alanah; I started at Brighton Secondary School on the 27th of January. My house holdfast met in the BPAC where we met our home groups, I was very happy that I knew people in my home group from my old school. My last school was Glenelg primary school. This year has changed me as a person mentally and psychically, I've learnt a lot over this year alone
This year I've made new friends and I found it hard to make friends like I always have but I always made friends though my friends because I found it easier that way and I still do now but the friends I have made have made high school a lot more fun and enjoyable mostly in classes.
When I came to this school I thought high school was going to be hard because I thought I wouldn't understand and I wouldn't get work right because I had had problems before, I also thought having different teachers for different classes would be so hard but it the different teachers made lessons so much more interesting, because of the teachers personality's you got used to all different one's making all lesson different. It was kind of like having a relief if primary school but you have them about three times a week.
I believe that I have coped with this year well because it was a big move for me I'm not used to change and I had two big changes in just a few months, that was moving houses and living with my dad and step mum full time and then moving to high school, it was two very big changes in my life and I think I coped with both pretty well even though I had my lows
Throughout this year I've had very many highs and lows from getting good marks on tests to relationship brake ups to feeling loved my family when I thought there was nowhere to go. The lower points In my life affected me to a point I couldn't work, I would start day dreaming and would become emotional but I've learnt to deal with that and talk to people when I need help.
Over all his school year has taught me a lot about myself and others, I'm grateful to my family for sending me here and grateful to my friends who have made this year great. I'm looking forward to year nine and learning more

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