Bede x Tomboyish! Fem! Reader x Hop!

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"Why am I out here with you?" Bede asked as he looked at you with contempt. You smiled at him, "Why not? Isn't it fun to be with me?" you asked, and he looked away.

They heard your name being yelled, and she waved. Hop was bounding in, and stopped in front of them. "Hey (Y/n)....what's he doing here?" Hop questioned.

"He's with me! I hope you don't mind."

"Well I mind greatly thank you very much." Bede said, and she sighed. "Come on're the one who wanted to tag along anyway....something about showing me something....wasn't it a-" She started, before being cut off by him, clearly flustered.

"Hey! D..don't tell him about that!" Hop burst into laugher, and Bede glared at him. Hop smiled. "Anyway, I brought a little something from Sonia." Hop took out a box. Inside was...curry?

"Sonia said to share with you!" She stared at the box, her eyes shining. "I do love me some curry. Thanks Hop!"

"No problem mate." He said, blushing slightly. Bede irked, a tick mark appearing on him. "I'm here too. Let me show you what I've brought!" He announced, throwing out a poke ball.

A Galarian Ponyta appeared, it's mane glowing. "Huh? It's just a-" "The most cutest thing in the world!" She screamed, and Bede looked happy.

"It's for you-it's not like I got it for you know." He said, and (Y/n) wrapped herself around Bede. "Thanks! I'll make sure I'll treasure it!" She said, letting go and turning to the cute pokemon.

"Let's see...I'm going to name you...Bop!" She said, and Ponyta-now Bop-cried out happily. "Why did you name it Bop?" Hop asked, and she grabbed their arms.

"'s a mix of the names of my two favourite two!" She cried, and they both blushed, from the action and the name.

"And now...let's eat this delicious curry! Come on Bop!" She said, setting up camp with the help of Bop's psychic.

Somehow...don't ask me, they don't bring their tents. "What kind of trainers are you?!" She yelled, and they sighed. "Mine's broken...after a wild Pukumuku put a hole through it." Hop explained.

"Aren't they soft and squishy?"

"Yeah they are...funny huh?" He laughed, and Bede looked to the side. "Miss Opal rushed me to come here, and it looks like that..I forgot my tent..."

"Oh...alright then...I guess we'll have to share my tent then!" She said, and the two boys looked at each other. Did she not comprehend what she just said?

"Let's eat the Curry! Come on you two!" She said, sitting down on the table. Sonia really did make a mean curry. The boys sat on either side of her, with Bop right in the middle.

There was a note from Sonia, and it read:

Hey (Y/n)!

Here's a brand new curry that I've created! Hop, you've better given this to her or I swear Kay? Anyway, this is a Charzard Class ranked curry, Sour Instant Noodles! Enjoy it alright?

Ps. Good luck with Hop and Bede! I totally see you with one of them....just saying.


"What does it say?" Bede asked, seeing her blushing face. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" She quickly said, stuffing the note in her bag. "What kind of curry is this? It looks tasty!" Hop asked, poking around at the curry.

"You try it then." She said, and he took a mouthful. His eyes lit up, and starting eating faster. "It's that good?" Bede said, taking a little bite. (Y/n) already started eating her's, and it was amazing.

"This is Charzard Class for sure!" Hop said in-between mouthfuls. "It's sour..but sweet." Bede said, and she smiled. "It's actually Sour Instant Noodles, a new recipe that Sonia found...looks like I have to add it to my Curry Dex!" She said.

Bop was eating slowly, whinnying happily. "Isn't that right Bop?" She asked, and Bop nodded. "Alright...what should we do now?" She pondered, and Hop had an idea.

"Hey Grandma! You're it!" Hop yelled, running away from the table. "That little...." Bede muttered, and turned to (Y/n), who squeaked.

She bolted up and started to run. Bede was fast, and she was faster. Bop ran beside her, and looked back to see Bede. Bop decided to attack with Fairy Wind, and she scooped it up. "No attacking him! That's cheating!" She yelled, trying to get away.

Hop watched you two and decided that he needed to come in. "Don't you forget about me!" He yelled, catching up with her. Bede caught up to them, and touched (Y/n), who stopped.

"You'" Bede said uncertainly, as if he never played tag before...or he was a little worried. "I'm it...huh?" She said quietly, and she looked up.

There was a new glint in her eyes, and they both shivered. She bolted forward, nearly touching Hop. They had barely any time to react, but they started to run.

They stopped after they realised that you weren't chasing them anymore. "Where did she go?!" Bede yelled, and behind him, was (Y/n), who touched him.

"You're it....again!" And with that, she sprinted off. "How?!" He yelled, and Hop laughed at him. " stink!" He yelled, running away.

This game lasted for an hour, before you three collapsed on the ground. Bop was rubbing it's horn on her knee, where it was bleeding. "Huh? Thanks Bop..." She said quietly, remembering how Ponyta's horn can heal.

"I won at the end!" Hop cried, with a fist. "No I did. You tripped so distastefully on the ground." Bede remarked. "I won you bampots, I got both of you at the end." She said, and they all sighed.

After they all calmed down, (Y/n) decided to make Curry, with the help of Hop and Bede. At the end..they made....

"Sweet Pasta Curry!" They cried, smelling the delicious aroma. They chowed down, and it was late. "I'll go first to change..." (Y/n) said, going into her tent.

Bop stood guard, watching them with piercing eyes. Any move these two make...they're dead. "This Ponyta you found...where did you find it again?" Hop asked, and Bede looked at it. "Miss Opal gave me it....I can see where it gets its personality from."

Bop heard this and looked cute, innocent, making Bede shiver. "Maybe she overdid it...." Hop said quietly, and Bede nodded. (Y/n) was finally done, and she walked out. She was wearing a top and shorts- pyjamas.

The boys blushed, and she ushered them in to change. After they changed, the trio headed into the tent...which was bigger on the outside than the inside.

(Y/n) was in the middle, with Hop on the left and Bede on the right. They were all bundled in their sleeping bags (at least they had that).

"Good night!" She cried, turning to the side. "Good night (Y/n)...don't let the bed bugs bite!" Hop said, and she rolled her eyes, giggling. Bede scoffed at that, and turned to face the wall of the tent.

"Good night." Bede quietly said, quiet enough so you would hear him. She turned over to his side and smiled. He looked over, and saw that smile. He blushed, and quickly turned, closing his eyes.

Done! I'm totally naming my Ponyta Bop whenever I get the game. I hope you liked it! I had fun writing this! I don't think I really did the tomboyish thing right...but I tried my best!

Thanks for reading!

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