Chapter eighteen: Memory is valuable

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It had been four months since Calynn had not seen her parents. Her stay at the Evans' house had been incredible during all those months, within thirty days they would enter Hogwarts and that day Lily and Calynn would go out to play in the garden after breakfast.

The girls went down to the table already dressed for breakfast and going out to the patio.

"Good morning," both girls said happily.

"Good morning, it's time for breakfast," Lily's mother greeted them kindly as she left a couple of dishes with delicious toast on the table.

Everyone took a seat in the dining room and began to chat very enthusiastically.

"It's very nice of you not to be disturbed by my stay," little Black said to the woman.

"You're welcome," Lily's mother replied as they continued to have breakfast.

Some time passed while they ate talking about some details of Hogwarts, the desire they had to know the castle, all the questions they wanted to answer about the magic and the moments that had happened during those last months.

"Petunia hasn't come down, we should go talk to her," Lily's mother told her husband after she finished doing the dishes.

"Mom, see you in a little while," Lily told her mother that she was climbing the wooden stairs. "We will go out to play the garden with Severus, we don't think it will take long."

"I love you. See you later." The redhead said goodbye from the stairs as she began talking to her husband.

They were about to leave when they met two people that Calynn recognized instantly. She walked back instinctively, but tripped over her owl and fell to the ground. Given this, the girl took her new wand from the bag of her denim jeans and although she didn't know any spells, she felt powerful.

"Expelliarmus!" Her mother shouted as the little girl's wand flew out.

The woman looked hatefully at her daughter, apparently not expected to pull a wand. Lily was facing Calynn attached to the wall trying to hide something under her clothes, the mother pointed to her daughter with the wand and the father to the redhead.

"Incarcerous!" Exclaimed both parents at the same time that a rope came out of the tip of the wand of each Death Eater and tied the girls tightly.

Her parents began casting spells everywhere, possibly to get Lily's parents' attention as they broke the windows and some dishes making the greatest noise possible. A photo of the Evans family fell at Lily's feet as the glass that protected it broke.

Both parents ran down and saw the two-unknown people in their house and before they could scream each had pointed the wand at a father of the redhead.

"No!" Little Black shouted, "don't hurt them!" Druella just nudged the girl so that she fell to the floor.

It was too late; the parents of the future Death Eater began to torture the redhead's parents right in front of two eleven-year-old girls.

"Enough!" Lily shouted, trying to move towards her friend's parents, but she only managed to fall to the ground, watching everything from there with tears in her eyes, a broken heart and a monumental impotence.

"Stop, they are not to blame for anything!" The future Death Eater shouted again.

The parents stopped, but continued to point to Mr. and Mrs. Evans who were on the ground because of the spell. They were weakened and tired, their expressions of fear on their faces were only a sign of how worried they were and how fearful they were at the magic of those people.

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