Chapter five: Death And Innocence

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Calynn rose with the sun, the snow began to melt and, with it, the cold. Actually, she didn't know very well what she would do that day. Deep down something told her that she should go talk about what had happened to Lily, but she still felt slightly sad about her friends' actions in recent days, so she decided that she would try to spend time with her father, or at least she would try.

"Good Morning!" Calynn greeted happily to try to express her desire to stay home that day. "I think it's one of the best days to spend as a family, don't you think so?"

Her father who was reading the newspaper did not dedicate any second to listen to her, while her mother simply watched her from head to toe; she was surprised that her daughter wanted to stay inside the house when she usually went to play with her friends.

"Better sit and eat, but hurry up we have to talk." Druella served her eggs with a couple of sausages that didn't look appetizing at all. Calynn obeyed, the mood had vanished with that comment, but she knew it was not the first time her mother made her feel that way. She began to take some small bites of the eggs, just moved the sausages a little since they really looked like they had been frozen for more than a year. "If you don't like it, you'll cook tomorrow," her mother said. "Get used to that, squib girl," she finished softly.

Calynn began to cut the sausages with reluctance while chewing them and felt that taffy texture, but swallowed them to avoid further problems. Silence reigned in the room while the little girl ate next to her parents until she paid close attention to the sheets of her father's newspaper when she was able to see, on the front page, the image of a woman moving upstairs of a broom with a smile on her face.

"Dad, what are you reading?" The little girl asked before swallowing one of the last pieces of those horrid sausages. The room was silent, the man apparently did not realize what was happening outside of that paper. "Father!" She shook the man hard enough, too much to throw away the glass of intact juice that was right next to the man. Druella made an expression of anger and despair as she looked back at her husband.

"Tell him one damn time!" She shouted angrily as he pulled out a kind of wand and cleaned up the mess the little girl had caused with a single movement.

Calynn was stunned by what she had just seen, she couldn't believe what had happened before her eyes.

"The newspaper," Cygnus simply said without anyone paying attention, little Black's eyes were now focused on Druella's wand, which she had kept in her hand to make the girl more curious. Druella approached her husband and removed the newspaper without warning to give her a stern look, then return to sit at the table. Calynn's gaze still represented immeasurable confusion and fear.

"Your father is a wizard and I am a witch," Druella began naturally without calming the girl's expression, but quite the opposite. "We maintain pure blood, so we maintain a lineage of powerful wizards and," paused "valuable enough to belong to our family. You are also pure blood, imagine how valuable you are to us and to your entire Black family," she said. Calynn looked at them a little less confused, but she couldn't hide that little emotion of having powers.

"And can you use magic and all that?" Asked the girl with a small tone of hope.

"Show him," Druella said to Cygnus, who also pulled a kind of magic wand from his pants and pointed directly at the little girl who paled instantly. Were they also able to perform dark magic with those wands?

"Rictusempra!" The spell directly struck the girl who closed her eyes as if waiting for the blow of a ball when she fell to the floor without being able to move from laughter, twisted through the tickles caused by that spell, even had a hard time breathing a little. Her father cut the spell and Calynn rose enthusiastically.

"That has been a lot of fun!" She exclaimed extremely happy, making small leaps of charm. "Dad lend it to me; I want to try it! How was it? ¿Rictucebra?" Calynn was trying to take her father's wand off while the man took it out of her reach without saying a word until he put it in his pants.

"Well, naughty little girl, that's enough for today. Don't be telling anyone about this, not everyone is going to understand how special you are," the man said affectionately as he hugged her and calmed her down, it was obvious that the little girl was eager to know more about that vast world she had discovered.

"But Dad, can I do that?" Asked the girl innocently.

"That and much more, you will be the best sorceress in the world," the man said affectionately as the girl only replied with a smile.

"But especially the most powerful," Druella added with some pessimism in her words as she looked at Calynn, it was obvious that the girl never imagined that this would be her reality.

"That's how you opened the door! True? "The girl asked her father.

"You caught me," he replied as he tickled her. Out of nowhere the man stopped and only spoke a little more. "Why don't you leave mom and dad alone?" The girl was slightly surprised by the change in her father's attitude, but she didn't seem to mind, she went up to her room to continue thinking about what had just happened.

The parents who stayed below to chat looked at each other for a moment, without anyone saying anything.

"What will we do in case she is squib?" Cygnus questioned with some concern.

"I already talked to Eileen and I can assure you that it isn't, I can trust her words."

"Well, then what is the plan?"

"He told me he wants to save his initiation, he wants us to do the dirty work, we must leave it ready to hand her over," the witch said mysteriously.

"You mean he'll put the mark on her too?" A slight tone of concern could be heard in Cygnus's voice.

"How would you forget that?" Druella snapped confused. "It is the most important. If it is on the dark side you will have to prove it in some way"

"When it is going to be?" Asked the man.

"On Christmas holidays, we will have enough time to prepare her."

"But Druella ..."

"On Christmas holidays," she said firmly. "Now better help me plan how we should start with her initiation"

The girl who was one floor above had not heard anything that her parents had mentioned; even if she had, nothing would have taken that huge smile from her face that showed her enthusiasm and impression of being different, of knowing that magic is real and the best: that it exists in her.

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