Chapters Eight - I cant lose you 🖤

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Nobody's POV-

The choir room sat quietly. They had all huddled together in the corner. Stan and Kyle were cuddling, Kenny and Butters were holding hands. Erica was crying into Wendy's shoulder and Tweek and Craig were comforting eachother. Token and Clyde kissed gently and were crying softly. Bebe sat trying to get phone service. The teacher was sick so they were just gonna go on with the meeting without her. They never thought it would be like this. Wendy sat up and spoke quietly. "Guys before we die, we should tell eachother our secrets and our stories. We never got on properly any of us, we should unite because we may be the last faces we see before we die" she said this with deep remorse. "Let's go around the circle, stating our name, sexuality and gender." Kyle said sweetly. Token started "Token, Gay and I'm a cis boy"
"Clyde, Bi and I'm a cis boy" "Bebe, pansexual and I'm nonbinary" "Craig, gay, trans boy" he said looking away, he was embarrassed obviously because no one had knew that he was trans. "Tw-Tweek, Gay, cisGAH- cis boy" "Wendy, Lesbian and I'm a cis female" "Erica, Bi, Trans Female"
"Kenny, pan, and I'm not sure honestly" "Butters, Bi and I'm cis male" "Kyle, gay, cis male" "Stan, gay, cis male" they all sighed. They couldn't believe that all of their friends were the same as them. "Woah we have no straight people in our friend group?" Stan stated. They all smiled at eachother. They then heard a sharp bang at the door. The person kept banging at the door "I KNOW YOURE IN THERE YOU LITTLE SHITS" Butters started to cry into Kenny's chest. He was scared and it was obvious to everyone. Everyone clung to their loved ones and held their breath until the knocking stopped. They all resumed their conversation, they were so sure that they were all gonna die. "Tell us who you all love" Stan suddenly said out of impulse. "Stan is my answer" Kyle said proudly "Kyle is my answer" Stan said kissing Kyle's forehead. Token proudly held his head high "Clyde, that's who I love" "I love you too Token" Clyde said placing his lips on tokens. "I love my phone" Bebe said and they all smiled at her sarcastic comment. "Wendy I love you, I know you probably dont love me but I really do" Erica said, she looked so sad, she looked ready for rejection. Wendy kissed her and said "Oh Erica I love you too" while smiling widely. Tweek and Craig were openly a couple, so there was no surprise that they loved eachother. Then all that was left was for Kenny and Butters.

Butters POV-

I couldn't take the pressure, I started to cry and I grabbed Kenny and sobbed into his lap. "Kenny I cant do this. I dont want to die" I said staring into his wide blue eyes. We sat for a moment just staring at eachother. Then Kenny spoke up " I love Butters." He looked down to me and smiled, indicating that it was my turn to end this round of questioning. I looked up to Kenny and just cried. " I love you too Kenny in a way I can hardly describe. I dont want to die here, I want to live and get married and have kids and- and-" I couldnt speak, fear kept me from speaking. I couldnt handle losing Kenny, the thought of it was painful.

Nobody's POV-

Kyle looked around and started to cry. "Guys I'm gonna admit a big secret that I've not even told Stan" Stans eyes grew wide and teared up, "What havent you told me Kyle?" Kyle looked up with a sad face and just rolled his sleeves up. His arms revealed bundles of cuts, deep cuts. Everyone was shocked and either cried or gasped or both. Stan was balling with tears "K-Kyle" he was distraught. Stan fell into Kyle's lap, wrapping his arms around Kyle's small waist. "Dont do that ever again, please I- I cant lose you" at this point everyone was crying. Butters rolled his sleeves up to reveal cuts too. This intensified the emotions in the room. Kenny grabbed Butters by the waist and cried. This was the first time they saw Kenny display true emotion. They all sat crying, waiting for this nightmare to be over. They all sat hugging and kissing our loved ones until we heard the familiar voice of our counselor on the speaker system.

"Everybody this is Mr Mackey mkay? The building is clear and you are all safe mkay? I want you to all evacuate mkay and stay close to your friends mkay? Mkay"

They all sat up. They werent gonna die. The overwhelming joy filled the room and it took them a minute to fully stand and evacuate. They kept shaking and holding on to their loved ones. Life had gave them another chance.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading. I'm crying after writing this chapter, I'm pretty sure it's the longest I've written. I felt so bad for the characters but this develops our story I think. As always leave me some criticism. I love you guys! - Leiane 🖤

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