Chapter Nine - Sweet Caroline 🖤

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Trigger Warning: Rape

Butters POV-

It's been about a week since the shooting. I think everyone was pretty nervous since all our secrets were out and people knew them. I just shrugged and walked to Glee Club. It was nearing Valentines Day, so our assignment was to sing something to our Crush / Valentine. I was gonna sing to Kenny when I had the chance. I walked in and sat down, Kenny smiled at me and then winked standing up. "W-what are you doing Ken?" He bowed before everyone and took his hood off, he put his weight on one of his feet and put his hands in his Jean pockets. "Hey guys, I'm Kenny as you probably know... ummmm" he said nervously ruffling his hair and rubbing his neck. "I'm singing this song for a very special boy who's won my heart over the years" he gave me a wide smile. "HIT IT! Kenny got a guitar and started strumming it, how did Kenny know how to play guitar? I was so shocked.

KENNY: Where it began? I can't begin to know when...
But that I know its growing strong.
Was in the spring, then spring became summer...
Who'd believe youd come along?

*he smiles at Butters, interlocking his fingers with Butters*

Hands... touching hands
Reaching out...
Touching me, touching you oh~

He grabs me and starts dancing with me, he spins me around and dips me.


All of the club starts to sing whilst Kenny stops, holding the moment we had. He kisses me deeply as the choir room comes to a slow stop, clapping at us. He stops kissing me and holds my small hands in his slightly bigger hands. "Buttercup... Leo? I love you, will you be my boyfriend?" He says sweetly. Before I can reply I hear Kyle start to cry "it's a Glee proposal, it's beautiful Stan..." he nuzzles his head into stans chest whilst everyone giggles at his silly emotional outburst. I look at Kenny and pretty much jump at him. " Yes Ken, ofcourse I will "
He spins me around and we kiss. I was so happy, I could tell he was too. We all left as Glee came to a finish. Me and Kenny didn't want to go home yet, so we took a trip to Tweeks Coffee Shop. He had so many things to pick from it made me dizzy. Kenny giggles and smiles at me "Take your time babe" I feel my face go red, babe?! Wow Kenny was good. We held hands as I decided. "I'll have a forest latte and he'll have a black coffee" I say smiling at the cashier, it was a boy I had never seen before with brown hair and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He didn't look happy and had an obvious French accent. He gave us our change and we took our coffee to starks pond. I looked at Kenny and smiled "Can I try someeee" he giggled at me gesturing the cup at me. I sipped it and almost died "I just tasted death" I said dramatically, falling into Kenny's arms pretending to die. He obviously played along, since we were both dorks "Oh no butters my love, I cant live without you" I look up to him and kiss him softly on the lips, he kisses me back rougher than expected. We just stayed and talked for hours. " Hey it's getting dark, want me to walk you home babe?" He said brightly, I nodded hugging him so tightly that I doubt he could breathe for that moment. "Butters, you're slowly killing me" he said whispering at me. I looked up "Oh sorry Kenny, I just really love you" his eyes lit up as I said those words. "You love me?" He said as I nodded, he kissed me again and walked me to the outside of my house. He walked away and as I walked to the front of my house, I got pulled away into an alley roughly. I screamed and begged for help as the person did unspeakable things to me. After they were done with me, they left me in the alley, bleeding and bruised with hand marks, I cried so loudly that my parents found me, sobbing on the floor. "Butters oh dear God, what's wrong?" I tried to stand up but my legs were so weak, I covered my exposed bottom and looked up to them with hand marks imprinted onto my neck. "Father Maxi, he- he raped me momma" I said crying. I couldnt think wht he would do that I guess they were right about the Priest and the Young Boy (reference to the South Park episode where Butters and Father Maxi bond) my parents carried me to my room. I just cried and felt disgusting. I took a shower and saw myself in the mirror, bloody bruised and every bit of me covered in HIM I wanted to RIP my skin off of my body. I hated him, I hated myself for letting it happen. Oh God, what was Kenny gonna think? I threw up into the toilet. He was gonna hate me. I showered and put on my biggest and baggiest clothes, I couldnt stand to see my body right now. My dad walks in and hugs me " Butters, we're moving away, far from here to stop this from happening again"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this book! Theres alot of plot switches, sorry for that :) I love you guys! - Leiane 🖤

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