Chapter One - Introductions 🖤

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Kyle's POV -

Hi, my name is Kyle Broflovski and I'm one of the leaders of our very small high school glee club. I dont have many friends, especially after elementary when Cartman got slim, Kenny banged the hottest girl in our school and Stan left to be star quarterback. Now he acts like I'm not even alive....

Butters and me are still close friends even after the Casa Bonita incident, hes in Glee Club with me!

"Hey there Kyle" I didnt even need to turn around to know that it was Butters. I swung my arms around him and ruffled his hair. "BUTTERS! I missed you man" Butters still looked the same after all this time. His beautiful golden hair shimmered in the sunlight, he was still short and slim and I practically towered over him. He smiled at me softly "Kyle, why do you still have your hat on, I think you look cute without it-"  "KYLE!" Before I could answer to the adorable blonde boy, I was interrupted by a loud mouthed Eric Cartman who we cant call fat anymore because he lost so much weight, I'm pretty sure his methods were... unhealthy. "Kyle you fucking Jew! Stay away from MY boyfriend" He said while swinging his arms around Butters. Butters looked down at the floor and his smile instantly dropped. "You sure as hell dont treat him like your boyfriend you dick wad." Cartman rolled his eyes at me, smacked butters ass and walked off, almost dragging Butters along. Butters looked like he was gonna cry. Before I could intervene I heard a voice that sent a shiver down my spine "Hey there Kyle" "What the fuck do you want, dick" I retorted in a defensive manner. The tall boy slid his arm around my waist pulling me close "I want you Kyle" I knew it was Stan, he always plays around with me like this, ever since we stopped being friends. I think it gives him reassurance that our friendship is still there. I feel him tug at my collar and I just give up fighting him. He pulls me into a closet near the Glee Club. "What are you doing Stan? Stop being a dick." I was pissed off, Glee Club starts in 10 minutes and I missed history because of this asshole. "Kyle, we need to talk..." He pushed me against the wall, cornering me. Stans blue eyes have always been beautiful, but this close up you can really see them shimmer brightly. His raven hair shimmering in the small ray of light that shined through the small window of the closet. "Talk about what? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after becoming quarterback." I was secretly holding back tears, it hurt to even mention what had happened between us. "Look Kyle, i- I'm so sorry about what h-h-happened I re-really didnt mean it" His voice went soft and gentle, he turned his face downward. He sounded like he was crying...? I pulled his face up to mine and saw tears streaming down his face. I wiped them and kept my hand lingering near his face. "Stan? Are you-" and then I was cut off.

Stan KISSED me

Stan Marsh, my old best friend and crush, kissed me. Yeah this isnt probably the best time to mention my crush on him but oh well. I've loved him for a while, ever since we met honestly. I thought I had zero chance but maybe I was wrong...?

I didn't want to break away, I wanted it to last forever. His soft lips melted into mine, our lips moving in sinc like a rhythm to a song. Then the bell rang, he pulled away and stared me deep in my eyes. "I'll see you after school, my house?" I was so shocked and just nodded yes in a state of pure confusion, then he left me alone in the closet.

"SHIT GLEE CLUB!" I said as I ran to the class next door, landing on top of a familiar face, none other than Kenneth "fuckboy" McCormick

THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING! I know it was all over the place but I feel like I'm going in the right direction, please give me your opinion! - Leiane (the writer) 🖤

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