Chapter Sixteen - What would Brian Boitano do? 🖤

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Kyle's POV-

I woke up in my room feeling numb. It was dark outside so I assumed it was still the same day, I looked at the time. 11 PM. I went over to my drawer next to my bed and pulled out my blade.


One cut, two cuts, three, four... twenty five... then with the fortieth cut I slammed against my cold bedroom floor. Goodbye cruel world...

Stans POV-

Ambulance sirens. Why the fuck could I hear them going directly towards Kyle's house? I ran out, wearing my coat over my pyjamas. I saw them dragging a bleeding, lifeless body on a stretcher into the ambulance. It was Kyle, my Kyle. The boy I truly loved, who hadn't hurt a fly. That picture was fake, I know now. Kyle is good person and never hurt me. Why am I so fucking stupid.

"Alright class, since Kyle is in the hospital. We thought it would be fun to sing in his absence." Butters stated, he was so anxious without Kyle there. I cried into Erica's shoulder. I didnt care if she hated me or broke me and Kyle up. She was who was there at that moment.

"Stan, why dont we sing that classic back from when we were kids? Remember, what would Brian Boitano do?" Erica said softly, I looked at her and smiled. "It isnt the same without Kyle tho-" my voice broke up into small hics, I was so upset without Kyle.

We stood up and breathed, I stood shakily, I had known Kyle longer than anyone here and had loved him for so long. I wanted to give everyone a piece of my true feelings. "Kyle was my first friend, my super best friend and my boyfriend. I loved him with every part of my heart. I cant believe he could die. My chest hurts to even think of it. Ky, this is for you" I said with small breaks to sob. A slow piano tune was played, we went with a sadder tune because Kyle would have loved it.

"What would Brian Boitano do, if he were here right now? He'd make a plan and he'd follow through that's what Brian Boitano would do" I sang shakily. I couldn't breathe but I had to do this for Kyle.

We all sat in silence for Kyle's part, as an act of remembrance.

We got through the song and I just started to cry. "Why did you leave me Kyle? Why" I screamed out. I was broken without him.




Hey guys! Sorry for not posting :)

Thanks for reading this book so far! As always leave me some criticism and give me a comment! I love you guys!! - Leiane 🖤

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