Part 3

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[Time skip: The next day]

John: *getting ready to go to dinner* Goodbye, Turtle. See ya when I get back. *pats Turtle, walks to cafeteria*

Jefferson: *pushes past John, dragging a reluctant Madison* C'mon, you can't spend every dinner holed up in your room, Mads.

Mads: *covering mouth with cloth, muffled voice* I'M GOING TO GET SICK! IT'S SICK SEASON!

Jefferson: But I get so bORED!

Mads: *sighs, gives up, lets himself get dragged* No getting out of this, I guess. *both enter the great hall*

John: *walks in behind them, spots Alex and Laf at a table, runs to them* Hey guys! What's up?

Alex: Hey, Laurens! Nothing much. They have some pretty good dinner tonight. Try some. *pats seat next to him*

John: *sits next to Alex* Soooo, what's for dinner?

Alex: Well, there's corn on the cob, pumpkin pastries, chicken, some other stuff, and... bread.

John: Yes! *grabs a corn on the cob, 4 rolls, some chicken, and a pumpkin pastry, starts eating*

Alex: Isn't it really good?!

John: *nods, stuffing his mouth*

Herc:*walks in, notices only open spot is next to Laf, hesitates, thinks about whether to sit or to just take food and leave*

John: *spots Herc* HERC!! OVER HERE!! *runs over* How ya doing?

Herc: Hey, John! I-I'm good. But, um, do you think I can sit with you, Alex, and Lafayette? I feel like- I just- um...

John: Better than yesterday, right?

Herc: *shrugs* Yeah, I guess.

John: Awesome. And you... uh... *quietly* you don't hate me, right?

Herc: *confused, eyes widen, realizes what he did the day before* Oh my god, John, I'm so sorry for what I said yesterday! I really am! I didn't mean any of what I said! I'm not mad at you, I swear!

John: Alright, we're cool then. *smiles, actually hurt from what Herc said yesterday but doesn't show it* And by the way, of course you can sit with Alex, Laf, and I.

Herc: *smiles* Thanks, man. You're the best.

John: *leads Herc to the table* Herc is better today. I think he was just stressed and all. Take a seat. *sits in his own seat, starts stuffing face again*

Herc: *awkwardly sits down, stares at the food, doesn't know what to do or say*

Laf: So, uh, Herc... I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. It was... eh... how do you say... heat of the moment.

Herc: *hesitates, smiles at Laf* I-I get it. It's okay, man. We're good now, right?

Laf: Yeah. *thinking: Did he just friendzone me??*

Herc: Good. Now, for some nice tasty chicken. *sees the bread* Uh, bread comes first. *takes a loaf of bread*

John: *still stuffing his mouth* It's good. *except no one can tell what he's saying because he's stuffing his mouth*

Herc: ...ooookay, oh, Lafayette, by the way, I got you a really cool gift for Christmas this year!

Laf: Oh? That's awesome, Herc. I look forward to it. *smiles at Herc*

Herc: You'll love it, *puts too much bread in his mouth* I pahmif.

Laf: *chuckles* Alright, if you say so, mon ami.

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