Part 8

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[Timeskip: winter break, 6th year]

Alex: *walks in the Gryffindor common room, sits on the couch, pulls up his knees, thinks about all the times he used to sit on that same couch with John, doesn't cry because he's cried so much that he can't anymore, whispers* I miss you, John.

John: *finally back, looks at the outside of Hogwarts, walks inside, finds the Gryffindor common room again*

Alex: *whispers* If only you were here... I'd kiss you a million times and tell you that I still love you. And that I love you more than life itself... just come back... Please... I love you, John.

John: *opens the door to the common room, sees Alex, no emotion*

Alex: *looks up, sees John, rubs his eyes, doesn't believe it, grins for real for the first time in two years, jumps up off the couch* JOHN?!

John: Alexander.

Alex: *runs up to John, hugs him tight*

John: Hello. *kinda half-hugs back*

Alex: *pulls back, grinning like a loon, runs a hand through his hair* This... I can't believe it. *looks at John* I can't believe you came back. You came back!

John: I'm back...

Alex: *nods rapidly* C'mon! Let's go find Laf and Herc!

John: *stands there for a moment* Can we just... *shows the first tiny bit of emotion since he got back* be alone for a bit? I don't really wanna talk to anyone.

Alex: *kinda confused, nods* Mhm. Anything for you, mon amour. *takes John's hand in his own*

John: *walks over to the couch, sits down, sighs* It's been a long two years.

Alex: *sits with John, leans on John's shoulder* What happened? Why was it so long?

John: *frowns* I don't really... *flinches* I don't want to talk about it.

Alex: *concerned, wraps his arm around John, rubs John's arm* Okay, um, we don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. How is Turtle?

John: He's ok. He's back home. He's James' now. I couldn't leave them with nothing.

Alex: Oh. Okay. Sorry, I know how much he meant to you. Do you at least still have your plushie?

John: I don't know. I might've given it to Henry. That sounds terrible... Henry needed it more than I did. He was having nightmares.

Alex: Oh... okay. That's... that's okay.

John: I guess. *smiles a little bit, not as emotional or sarcastic as he was, lost the sparkle he gets in his eyes when he sees Alex*

Alex: *looks into John's eyes, notices something's off* Hey, you sure you're okay?

John: *brushes him off* It's fine. I'm fine.

Alex: If you don't wanna talk to me about it, can you talk to Laf? I know he's your best friend.

John: I already told you I don't really want to talk to anybody.

Alex: *notices something's definitely off, gets really worried* H-Here. Let's go put your stuff away in your room.

John: Do we still share a room?

Alex: If you want to. I've been sleeping in my own room since you left. Well... *blushes* I slept in your room for a while. Then, I moved back to mine. If you want to, I can go back to sharing a room with you.

John: I don't really care.

Alex: *worried, very worried* I-I'll stay with you then.

John: Whatever you want.

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