Part 6

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[couple minutes later]

Burr: *walks in with Theo* Alright. We're here after being so *glares at Alex* graciously invited to play truth or dare.

Theo: Hi, everyone! *waves, glares at Burr* Be nicer, please. Relax a little. *smiles*

Burr: *smiles* I'll try.

Alex: *looks at Peggy* We good to play now?

Peggy: Ugh. Fine. Burr, you're starting, because it was my idea and I said so.

Burr: *sits in the now made circle* Um, okay? *looks around the circle* Peggy, truth or dare?

Peggy: Dare, obviously.

Burr: Okay... *thinks, laughs a bit, glances at Laf* For the next 2 rounds, you have to speak in an over-exaggerated French accent.

Peggy: *in a terrible French accent* Sorry, Laf. My French accent sucks.

Laf: *cringes* It's fine.

Alex: Alright, wait. Are we going around the circle or whoever gets the dare/truth has to ask next?

Peggy: Uhhhhhh... let's go around the circle. Theo, you're next.

Theo: Ok... umm... Hercules, truth or dare?

Herc: DARE!

Theo: Umm... any ideas from the circle? I'm not very good at daring people. *laughs a little*

Alex: OH I saw one on a Tumblr post or something but it was the person has to be someone else's pet for a couple minutes or something.

Theo: That seems a little... harsh, don't you think?

Peggy: You're too soft. Use it. It's truth or dare. No regrets.

Theo: No, I couldn't do that. I really... couldn't. I'm terrible at this, aren't I?

Burr: No, you're fi-

Alex: I SAW ANOTHER ONE ON TUMBLR! That one is to carry a cup up to a random person and ask for some sugar.

Theo: What's the point of that?

Alex: ...There... there's no point... it's just embarrassing...

Theo: I'm so bad at this! Peggy, you can dare Herc whatever you want because I'm too indecisive.

Peggy: Does anyone have any food or drinks?

Alex: I have mountain dew in my bag.

John: *looks at Alex* Got any wintergreen tic tacs with that? *looks at Peggy, his musical friend, smiling*

Peggy: *holds back laughter* Hush JOhn I'm tRyIng To cOncEntrAte!

John: *covering his mouth, trying not to laugh* oKoK. I have... I dunno, can we legally raid the cafeteria?

Alex: That should be his dare! We'll film him raiding the cafeteria!

Herc: Uh, what if-

Alex: Isn't it perfect?

Herc: But-

Peggy: Oo! I actually like that!

Theo: Um, what if he gets in trouble? I don't particularly want to get anyone in trouble.

Peggy: That's why it's a good dare! 'Cause it's risky! *grabs Herc* C'mon let's go! *pulls Herc out, yells back* IF YOU WANNA WATCH, FOLLOW US!

Alex: John we should go.

John: I'm not gonna be a witness to this.

Alex: Suit yourself. *follows*

Burr: I should follow them to make sure they don't die or something. *follows them*

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