Part 20

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[Timeskip: the next morning]

Alex: *helping John to the great hall* Almost there, love.

John: *visibly in pain* O-Okay.

Alex: *adjusts so John is in less pain* Are you, okay babe?

John: *teeth clenched* I'm as good as I'm going to get.

Alex: *looks at John sadly*

Mads: *from behind them, hand in hand with Thomas* John?

John: Oh. Hey, Mads. *trying to put on a brave face, biting his lip to take away from the pain in his shoulder*

Mads: *concerned* Are you okay?!?

Thomas: *slightly concerned as well, doesn't show it*

John: Just... an accident. You didn't hear?

Mads: No...? What accident??

John: N-Nothing. If you want to know, ask Washington. It's a long story.

Mads: Oh... okay...

Thomas: *looks around* Where's Lafayette?

John: Uhh... *looks away* Part of the long story.

Thomas: Ugh, fine. *pulls Mads towards the great hall*

Herc: Thomas wait!

John: *looks up at Alex, mutters* Notgonnacrynotgonnacry.

Thomas: *turns around* Hercules?

Herc: Can I sit with you guys today?

John: *holds onto Alex tighter, avoiding looking at Herc*

Thomas: Sure. Why?

Herc: I don't wanna sit with them.

Thomas: Ah, okay.

John: *looks at Thomas, still very strategically avoiding Herc, thinking: He's not gonna ask any questions?*

Thomas: Is there a reason?

Herc: They... Let's just leave it at... I hate them now. So let's go.

John: *flinches, looks back to Alex's face to keep himself from lashing out or crying*

Mads: Umm... *looks at John and Alex*

John: Don't hate us, please. Herc isn't... in his right mind right now.

Herc: *glares at John* Shut up, John.

John: *ignores him, looks at the ground, trying not to scream, cry, or anything in between*

Herc: *to John* From now on, stop talking to me. You're not my friend, and you never will be.

John: *holds on to Alex even tighter, trying to keep himself in control*

Alex: Herc. Enough.

Herc: *clutches shirt above his heart, shakes a bit* Don't call me that.

Alex: What?

Herc: Don't call me that!

John: *quietly* Please... *hesitates* Hercules, calm down... okay?

Herc: I said don't talk to me.

John: *looks down, not wanting to make Herc mad*

Herc: We're leaving now. *walks off with Thomas and Mads*

Alex: John...?

John: *doesn't respond*

Alex: Are you alright?

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