Part 15

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John: *surprised for a minute, hugs James back*

James: *relaxes into the hug*

John: *mutters* I could cry right now.

James: *attempting to speak* I-I lo-love y-you J-John.

John: Don't m-make me cry! *teary-eyed* I love you too. So so much.

James: *cuddles into John*

John: *trying really hard not to cry*

James: Y-You ca-can c-c-cry.

John: Yeah, I know, I don't... *tears running down his face* Ugh. I h-hate crying. *wiping the tears from his eyes*

James: *laughs softly*

John: It's no use, is it? *laughs along, still crying* Crying is the worst.

James: *nods*

Alex: Well at least when you're crying, John, I have an excuse to do this. *kisses John's cheek*

James: *eyes widen*

John: *blushes, thinking: great, now I have to explain it to another child*

James: *signs "But I thought-"*

John: *gently sets his hand over James'* Dad was wrong. He lied.

James: *mouths "oh," confused*

John: It'll take some getting used to. But he wasn't right about a lot of things.

James: *signs "okay, so are you two...?"*

John: *nods*

James: *nods, looks at Alex*

Alex: Wait, I still don't know what's going on.

John: *laughs* James was confused when you kissed my cheek so I had to explain... y'know... to him. He gets it now, mostly. He asked if we were together. I said we were.

Alex: Oh okay. So now I can do this? *connects his lips to John's*

John: *blushing, pulls away* Alex, PDA. There's a 7-year-old.

James: *has already covered his eyes*

Alex: Awww... *pouts*

John: James, it's okay. You can uncover your eyes. *laughs*

James: *uncovers his eyes, looks at Alex*

Alex: John, translate for me, I wanna talk to James.

John: Sure.

Alex: *to James* You know who I am right?

James: *nods*

Alex: And you know my relationship with your brother?

James: *nods again*

Alex: So you know that you're basically family to me and I'd do anything for you?

James: *eyes widen, signs "You would?"*

John: He said, "You would?"

Alex: *smiles warmly* Of course, James! Sure, I barely know you kids, but you already mean so much to me.

James: *blushes, signs "thank you. You're nice"*

John: "Thank you, you're nice."

Alex: Aw, Thanks bud. Air high-five! *raises hand for an air high-five*

James: *smiles, gives Alex an air high-five*

John: You guys are too cute. Both of you.

Alex: *lightly touches John's arm* You are too, Babe.

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