Part 19

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[Timeskip: right before the dance]

Alex: *hand in hand with John, walking with Laf and John, leans against John's shoulder*

John: *to Alex* You made it. You can almost slow dance with me.

Alex: *smiles lightly* Yeah. *looks up at John* I'm gonna love it.

John: Of course. *smiles*

Alex: *squeezes John's hand, looks at Laf* You ready to see Herc?

Laf: Not one bit.

Alex: *laughs* Just make sure any... stuff you do is out of the room.

Laf: Yeah, I know. Washington's gonna be the chaperone and all. Must be scary having your dad as the chaperone. *smirks at Alex*


John: *nudges Alex lightly, calmly* Yeah, he kinda is, baby.

Alex: *blushes, hides face in the side of John's arm* Hush up.

John: *smiles at Alex* Is it because you know I'm right? I thought you were in debate.

Alex: *mumbles* I can't debate with you when you know my weak words.

John: Is that right, baby?

Alex: *almost melts*

John: That's what I thought, my love.

Alex: Whatever... *looks at Laf* Oh, by the way, Laf, I had a weird dream last night. You and John were in it.

John: That was random.

Alex: Yeah, it was, but it kinda freaked me out.

John: We're here. Tell me later, okay, my love? *smiles*

Alex: *breaks* I- *blushing*

John: Alright. *laughs* Let's actually walk in now. Laf, you can go ahead of us.

Laf: Oui, sure. *walks in through a big set of doors*

John: What's bothering you?

Alex: Well, *holding John's hand tightly* something happened to you and Laf in my dream. It was bad. Really bad.

John: *concerned, looks down at Alex worriedly* What do you mean?

Alex: You and Laf were alone. Something... I dunno, but some dark force kinda just swallows Laf up and he was... gone. D-Dead. You... you managed to get away, but you got hurt. You could've died. T-Then... some person showed up. They didn't have a face. They took you away from me, but I wasn't sad. I was... angry.

John: *processes the whole dream* First, if somebody took you away from me, I know I'd be mad. That part makes sense. And it must've been scary. I'm sorry that happened... *moment of realization* Didn't Mary say Laf left without a trace in her dream too?

Alex: I... yeah... she did.

John: That's weird... can we just... forget about that and have a good time tonight?

Alex: Yeah but I just wanna correct you. I wasn't mad at the random person that took you. I... I was mad at you.

John: *thinks for a second* That's... That's weird. Now, forget. Good time. Remember?

Alex: *nods* Okay. I will. We'll have fun.

John: Definitely! *looks up, smiles, backs Alex against the wall* You know what's right up there? *points to the ceiling*

Alex: *looks up, shakes his head*

John: Mistletoe. You know tradition for mistletoe? *smirks*

Alex: *blushes* N-No.

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