Part 9

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[Timeskip: annual Christmas party]

John: *wakes up from a nap, yawns, puts his hair back up, walks around to go find someone to talk to, walks into the common room* Hey, guys.

Herc: *completely absorbed into the TV, mutters* Yes, shoot his face. You go girl.

John: Um... okay then. Hi, Laf.

Laf: *looks back at John* Oh, hey.


John: Herc... *serious*

Herc: *still doesn't hear* She's such a QUEEN!

Laf: *nudges Herc* Dude. Quiet. John's right there.

Herc: *looks up, sees John* Oh. Hey John! What's up, man?

John: Can you just... remember to be a little quieter? And not yell? *tense*

Herc: *eyes widen* Oh, yeah. Sorry, man.

John: Thanks. *sits down, still pretty tense* So, uh... do I still have to go to that party?

Herc: I think you should. You'd like it. I promise. Alex, Laf, and I are all going. So is everyone else. You have us if you need anything.

John: But it's loud... and I kinda hate parties.

Herc: Hmmm what about those earplugs people use when they play the drums or something?

John: I dunno...

Herc: *mutters* Or just get drunk. That'll drown out the noise. That's what I'd-

John: What're you saying?


John: Herc, quiet, please. Don't yell. Can I just say this is a library whenever people yell around me? I'm gonna do that.

Herc: Whoops. Speaking of libraries, that's where we're going. You can say it there.

John: Okay then...

Herc: C'mon! *pulls Laf and John down to the library, sees Alex pouring over at least 7 books with glasses on and writing something down quickly* Hey, Alex!

Alex: *looks up, smiles* Hey, guys! What's up?

Herc: We should get ready for the party. You're coming, right?

Alex: Yeah. Of course. I missed it last year, so I gotta make up for that. Is John going?

John: Unfortunately.

Alex: Oh, okay. You sure you'll be alright?

John: I'll be fine. *sighs*

Alex: *reaches up slowly, holds John's hand* I'll be there for you.

John: *blushes a bit* Aww, thank you. *smiles*

Alex: *kisses John's hand* Anything for you, mon amour.

Herc: *to Laf* Why don't you do that to me?

Laf: Uhhhh...

Herc: *pouts*

Laf: Sorry...?

Herc: *being dramatic* You don't love me.

Laf: Of course I love you!

Herc: *can't help but smile* Good. *hugs Laf*

John: Are we going now?

Alex: *takes off his glasses, puts books to the side* Yeah. Let's go.

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