Part 22

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John: *looks at Alex* That felt like more of a goodbye forever than a goodbye for now.

Alex: *nods* Let's... not think about that.

John: Is he... okay?

Alex: I don't think so. For... For the past three months, the only people he's talked to are Thomas and Mads. If he's not with them, he's alone.

John: Should we talk to him? Or... leave him be?

Alex: We... *thinks* It's been long enough. We need to talk to him. I'm not letting us lose him too.

John: *starts to get up, moves his shoulder too fast, falls back onto the bed* Nope.

Alex: *looks at John kinda concerned* Do you need help, love?

John: Gimme a second. *coughs for a second, slowly stands* I'm good.

Alex: You sure?

John: Yep. I kinda need help walking though.

Alex: *slips his arm under John's* I gotcha.

John: Thank you. I love you.

Alex: I love you too. *kisses John's cheek, helps John walk out of the room*

John: *sees Herc, moves away from Alex, careful not to hit his shoulder on anything* Hey, Herc?

Herc: *jumps, turns around* J-John?

John: *leans against a wall* Hey. I wanted to talk to you.

Herc: A-About what?

John: You. You're not the same lately. That's expected but... what's wrong? I know something's up.

Herc: *pales* ...I have to go.

John: It's okay. I just... wanna make it up to you somehow. I feel like I did something wrong. *frowns*

Herc: *clutches his shirt over where his heart is* C-Can I go?

John: Yes. Of course. But if there's anything you need to get off your chest, I'm a good listener.

Herc: I know, I-I know. *looks down, looks at his hand, looks around frantically, eyes wide and frightened* Where is he?

John: What?

Herc: *hyperventilates* W-Where's Laf?? Where's my boyfriend?!??

John: Herc, take a deep breath. What do you mean where's Laf?

Herc: Where did he go??!!?? Where's my Laf??!??

John: *concerned* You know where he is. *voice breaks*

Herc: *looks at John, eyes wide* W-WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND????

John: Y-You... you really don't know?

Herc: *looks around, freezes* O-Oh...

John: I'm so sorry.

Herc: He... D-Don't be sorry. P-Please.

John: B-but—

Herc: *clutches his shirt tighter* P-Please.

John: *takes a deep breath, looks down* So are we gonna talk about...?

Herc: I... *knees wobble* I need to sit down.

John: We can sit here. It's okay. *pulls Herc down to the floor* Can we talk? About... us?

Alex: *sits next to John*

Herc: *shaking* Th-There's nothing to talk about.

John: There's a lot to talk about.

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