Chapter 4

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We were about two weeks after my incident with Brad at the store. The funeral was over, my brother hadn't come and I was terribly mad at him for that. He sent me a message the day of the ceremony telling me that he decided to settle in France. I knew all of that had destroyed him, but not to the point of completely putting me aside.

As for me, I had avoided Brad's messages on the networks concerning the financial assistance he wanted to give me for my store. In reality I was mostly ashamed of having cried in front of him. I had cried in his arms as if he was my friend when we didn't even know each other, the first thing he had seen of me was my weaknesses. So I avoided him as much as possible.

Regarding my store, I lost it, being unable to repay everything I destroyed, I had no salary and I could no longer pay my rent. So I had to leave my apartment to go live in a hotel. But luckily I had found a small job as a waitress in a cafe around the corner. The wage was meager but it helped me to live well.

I was actually working when the door opened on four clients I recognized. I lowered my head instinctively and wanted to head for the back of the cafe to avoid them, but hardly had I left when I heard:

"Mia? I turned to James who had said my name. Do you work here? he continued

- Uh ... I ... Yes. I said

- Mia! Stop talking with customers and work! Screamed my boss

- You guys want something to drink? I asked them

- You no longer work at your instrument store? James continued. I looked up at Brad who was looking at the floor. So he hadn't told them about our altercation

- It is complicated. I answered

- How long will it take to you to finish your day? Connor asked me

- Half an hour. I said looking at my watch

- Well we'll wait for you so we can go for a walk all together. He smiled

- It's nice but I have to go home to rest, you know ...

- Please ... We can show you around our apartment and have a pizza and movie night. Come on, it's to forgive me for having been rude the day we met. Tristan told me

- Okay, but I don't want to come home too late. I finally gave in "

Half an hour later I went out and the four of them were there waiting for me. We wandered around London for a good hour until I thought it was the right time to give them the gifts I had planned for them. I offered them to wait for me while I went home with Brad to get something. I knew it was a good time to chat with him. They were skeptical but nodded. So I was heading to my hotel which was only 3 minutes from here with Brad

"- Why didn't you answer my messages? He started

- I was ashamed to have cried in front of you while we didn't know each other

- You don't need to be ashamed, I think you are courageous. I smiled. But you're right we don't know each other, Bradley Will Simpson 24 years old and singer in a band called The Vamps. He said to me smiling and reaching out for me

- Mia Summer Davis 24 year old, waitress in a cafe. I laughed while shaking his hand "

We arrived in front of the hotel and Bradley looked at me with incomprehension

"Do you live in a hotel?

- Yeah ... I had an apartment but I can't bring in enough money to pay the rent. I said sadly

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now