Chapter 27

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The 6 of us went into this party, the music was too loud for my taste and I just wanted to go back to my hotel room, but I had to humour the guys. Julia was glued to Brad and I was really wondering what Brad had said to her last night.

Tris invited me to go dance with him, but I refused several times. I just wanted to be alone on the little sofa. Everyone was dancing, except for me, of course. I was so bored so I decided to have a drink at the bar. I sat on one of the stools before examining the room. Tris was dancing with a stranger, James and Con were having fun together, and finally Brad, who was dancing and laughing with Julia, glancing at me from time to time. I was tired of spending my time getting my hopes up every time he would make a loving gesture towards me. I saw him staring at me, then approaching me, but not wanting to have a conversation with him, I went to Tristan to dance with him.

He was surprised to see me dancing with him, but quickly recovered.

"- You finally decided to come! He said in my ear so that I could hear him over the music

- I think so. I smiled at him "

We both danced for a few songs, before a slow was played. Finding it embarrassing, I turned to go back to my seat, but a hand grabbed my arm.

"- Dance with me please... said Brad"

I hesitated for a few seconds before finally approaching him. He put his hands on my hips and I shivered.

"- I didn't think I could have that much effect on you after 8 months. He laughed softly

- I wish you didn't make me shiver anymore...

- Why?

- Because that means that I definitely haven't forgotten you while you did... He stared at me intently

- I-

- Don't say anything Brad. I'm glad you are together again. He didn't answer and put his head on my shoulder.

- I'm not with Julia. He murmured. And I haven't forgotten you at all... He whispered into my neck before kissing it. I closed my eyes due to the pleasure of his gesture, but quickly pushed him away.

- Don't do that... I said and quickly slipped away. "

I know that I should have taken advantage of the fact that for once he proved to me that there was a chance between us but he made me hope too much only to reject me late. On top of that, Julia is there and I don't know what state of mind she is in.

I left to take the air outside and was quickly joined by Tristan.

" - Are you okay? He asked me

- Yes, let's say that. I replied

- You want to talk about it?

- No.

- Okay, I won't force you. He replied calmly

- Thank you...

- Are you coming to dance? We will have fun. He said while holding out his hand to me "

I followed him inside although I was not in the mood for it.

Ultimately, an hour later I almost forgot what happened with Brad and I had a lot of fun with the guys. I got closer and closer to Tris while Brad was sitting, alone at the bar counter. I tried not to think about him and focused on Tristan who slid his hands over my hips to get me closer to him. He was a little drunk,!but not completely.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now