Chapter 20

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It was now 4 hours after the message I received from Niall and I was with him at the airport. He was holding his suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other. We were waiting for the plane, which was apparently late.

"- Shit, I'm having a concert tonight I don't want to miss it because of a plane!

- It's going to be okay, it's coming soon Niall "

He was stressed and biting his nails, something that Brad always did too. He reminded me of him on certain points, that is perhaps why I am so attached to him.

Niall decided to go get some food because apparently it would calm us. I especially think he was just hungry. He came back with drinks and cakes that we hurried to eat because a crowd of young girls appeared in our field of vision to have a photo with Niall. It really was something that I hadn't missed.

Fortunately for us, the announcement about the plane that concerned us echoed throughout the hall, we had to go to the gates for boarding.

"Are you sure you don't want to come Mia?

- Sure. I have too many things to settle here

- I'll miss you. He said taking me in his arms

- You too Ni '

- Go get him Mia. You have this guy in your skin. And make me happy, don't let him out of your life anymore. You need him

- I promise not to do the same bullshit anymore

- Come on, join him, you're going to be late and this is your only chance. He winked at me

- Thank you for all Niall, see you when you get home. I said hugging him one last time

- With pleasure. He smiled and turned his back on me to get on the plane "

I let a tear run down my cheek and turned to go get my car.

Sorry Brad but it is not with 8 months of silence that you will get rid of me

I got to the boys' apartment. It was 5pm and I had been there for at least 10 good minutes, paralyzed, waiting in my car. The next time I sit in this car I will know if it is definitely over between Brad and me or not

I finally took my courage and headed for the door to ring. Connor came to open to me

"- Hi Mia! What are you doing here ?

- Brad didn't tell you ...?

- Uh no

- He told me to come and talk

- Oh I see. He bowed his head. Why does he seem worried? Come in, Brad left to get some food but he'll be there in 5 minutes

- Oh okay. I followed him to the kitchen where James was

- Hi James... I tried

- Hi. He said without looking at me. I bowed my head in disappointment. Con saw it and occupied my mind by talking to me

- So Niall left today?

- Yeah ... He asked me to be his instrument technician ... I confessed

- That is great ! You will be able to leave your rotten job and buy yourself a less unsanitary apartment!

- I refused.

- But why ?

- Because Brad told me that today is the only chance for us to talk

- Have you given up a job that you like for a conversation?

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now